Election Trivia Question

Who am I?

I am a republican president, engaging but pathologically complex, succeeding a strong but morally weak two-term democratic president. I won the presidency by defeating the prissy but powerful incumbent vice-president, with the help of an intense campaign by a popular idealist.

Who am I?

I believe you’re Abraham Lincoln. Before the Republicans became Democrats.

Close. Lincoln did defeat Buchanan’s VP Breckinridge and I guess you could call Bell an idealist, but Buchanan only served one term.

I was thinking of Nixon.

I also doubt you can say that Wallace helped Nixon at all; most of the states where Wallace did well went for Goldwater in '64 and would go in overwhelming majorities for Nixon in '72 (Mississippi gave him 80% of their vote!). So, if anything, Wallace probably pulled more support away from Nixon than from Humphrey.

Connor said:

When did that happen? Or are we talking in Naderesque platitudes?

I was thinking of Eugene McCarthy.

Does Johnson count as a two-term president?

Yeah, that was the trick part of the question. He did serve in two terms though. As far as I know, no republican president has succeeded a two-full-term-in-a-row democratic president (but McKinley followed Cleveland! Thanks, Helge). So, tomorrow could be historical.

Oops. Harding.