I was the OP in that thread. Elvis, in the first post after the OP:
With no reference to anything specific I’d said.
So I fired back:
His response:
Except that Elvis hadn’t yet challenged the validity of a single comment I’d made there. There was nothing for me to support, because he’d questioned nothing I’d said - just questioned my factuality in general, on the basis of absolutely nothing in that thread.
And being too much of a chickenshit to own up to it when I called him on it.
So Elvis, since you’re too much of a craven coward to open up a Pit thread to attack me, here’s your Pit thread anyway. There’s nothing in the front of your pants but air.
You want to say something about me, rather than about the things I’ve said, feel free to say it here. The floor’s yours.
You’re an overly sensitive idiot. He didn’t say anything about YOU, he called your facts–all of them–into question. And your response is to act like a fucking baby, “waaah, waaaah, you insulted meee. Let’s go to the Pit, instead of debating like adults! Put 'em up!”
I already told you: ALL of them. Do you need to look that word up? Besides, if you wanted clarification on which ones he took issue with, you could have, y’know, asked him.
Back before the Net, I used to have to go to the zoo and visit the monkey house if I wanted to see hominids shrieking, jumping around, and hurling feces. Now I only have to log on.
And how am I meant to address your “topic?” Clearly, I disagree with it but any variation of “No, I’m not,” “That’s what you think” or “Oh, yeah? Prove it!” just sounds lame and defensive. shrug You can’t win; I don’t bother trying.
Nah, I figure I extended him as much politeness as was appropriate, given his post.
Which was too non-specific to even attribute to the OP. I can only assume that Elvis was carrying a grudge from other threads into that one. If he’s got a problem with me, but is too inchoate to give specifics, I’m sure there’s a good board for people like him, and you, somewhere. Maybe a good Rush Limbaugh fanboy board or something like that would be the appropriate intellectual level.
I’ll grant you he could have been a tad more specific. But this pit thread? Lame. There’s nothing–absolutely nothing–which couldn’t have been addressed appropriately in the original GD thread.
Sorry, already gotten the runaround from Elvis a few times too often already.
A guy who slags you for refusing to defend your words in the thread, after he’s already slammed you generally but said nothing specific to respond to, isn’t going to be polite and give a clear explanation of what he means. He’s just there to make trouble.
And apparently you’re riding that same wave. I remember I once had a good opinion of you. Such is life.
I gave you very specific things to respond to, so your “same wave” shit isn’t going to flush. And I did so in exactly the spirit and tone of your OP. Surprisingly, you appear to be offended by that. Huh.
I’m trying to figure out the ‘specific’ part, so work with me here, OK?
Was it:
Yep, that’s a big, steaming pile of ‘specifics’ alright! Ain’t seen so large a quantity of ‘specifics’ since the last time I had to walk through a cowpasture.