Email to Jesus - 1 question only please

Oh, I thought we might be up for one question each, darnit.

Yeah, I’d go along with Lib on the drawing on the ground thing, or maybe “just clear up the original sin and faith/works thing for us, would you?”

Here’s how the scenario would probably play out:

A withered Pope is slowly nodding off, slumped over in his Papal Barca-Lounger before an audience of millions of faithful. Suddenly, a halo of light hovers over the Pontiff; he awakens, eyes wide open. He listens to a voice only he can hear…he nods…nods again…and gets up. He walks with the vigor of a twenty-year-old to the Holy Microphone. He looks at the audience and they quietly murmer. He says, "Our Lord Jesus Christ has answered your question, and now I relay the message to you, the World. Our Savior said to me :

‘MarcAnthony7…Your keys are behind the sofa.’

If you knew before of the wrongdoings that would spring out of christianity, what would you have done differently?

i read this far and got to this question and decided i need read no further. bravo! this pretty much covers it for me.


I send this document in order to have your advice…


“Why am I not getting my period?”

justinh wrote, in the OP:

The one question that gets asked of Jesus is going to be determined by popular vote?!

Oh, brother.

In that case, it’ll probably end up being “Is Buffy really a vampire now?”.


And now I know that at least one person understood the implications of the question and I wasn’t just being a smart ass.

Classic, this one definitely goes in the classic file.

I don’t really have a question, but when you send the email could you add, “P.S. The Teeming Millions say ‘Thanks for Google!’”

“What number am I thinking of right now?”

Ask him to ask Thomas Jefferson and the whole crew what the second amendment really meant, once and for all.
I want my machine gun, damn it.

So if you are a cooking shrimp for 100 and the recipe calls for “one handful of salt”, does that hurt?

How’s Sam Kinison doing?

If I could ask 3 questions, they would be:
“What is?”
“Why is it?”
“What should we do about it?”
(That’s pretty much my troubleshooting guide for everything, including life. ;))

I suppose if I had to choose just one question, it would be the third of the above questions.

“Can we be expecting those gigantic, horse-shaped locusts with scorpion stings (Revelations 9:7) to show up anytime soon?”

What’s your favorite Jesus band?

Or if he doesn’t want to answer that one…What do you think of theodicy?

Actually, I think I’d ask “Why don’t you impress Lolo?”

"You know that walking on water trick you did?

Does it still work, y’know, with the holes in your feet and all…?" :smiley:

So I gather that the teaming millions could not come up with a question that would change their world. This question and answer (coming from the pope) would only impress true believers. Who else is going to believe some old moldy guy in Italy?

Jesus was once asked “of all the laws, which is the most important?”. He said “love your brothers and sisters as you would love me”. Now today if that was the question and the pope gave that answer then it wouldn’t change a thing for any nonbelievers.

Thats what this is about. Not some miracle to convert or convince the world. Just an answer to the believers who need answers at this time in history.

everybody else can just go to …(sorry that slipped, I am still working on my weaknesses)

I guess you missed or didn’t understand my question then:

Why should we believe any answer you give us?
That was the whole point of it. It is a question designed, I thought anyway, that if it was answered in the spirit of the OP, would be the one you could take around the world and get EVERYONE on board with. A question designed to expose his “credentials” to the whole world. It seems to me that getting everyone on the same sheet of music would be much more powerful than instructions to the existing pool of true believers. Its the questions that would get me on board, if properly answered.