Everybody played along with the supposition that Jersey Diamond came up with, some weeks ago: What if the Rapture as envisioned by Left-Behind-style fundamentalists came to occur? What would your response to that event be?
Here’s another what-if thread along the same ilk:
Suppose that instead of the typographers’ space-filler here…
…I had actually given you the evidence you needed to convince you that a (monotheistic, accept no substitutes, engaged in active godding) god exists, is interested in you particularly, and is in some way connected with the life, teachings, and doings of Jesus of Nazareth about 2000 years ago? This is the basic proposition of Christianity, but just for the sake of this thread, assume simply that much: He’s there, interested in you as a person, somehow worked in and through Jesus. For these purposes, we assume that one way or another, the gist of Jesus’s message was recorded in his own words (duly translated) in the four Gospels. No assumptions are made here about churches, Biblical inerrancy, Papal infallibility, Jonathan Edwards-style wrath of God, what is or is not sin, etc., other than the exact words Jesus may have had to say on the subject.
In short, I’m asking you to assume for this thread a very basic sort of Christianity, without accretions and interpretations, has been proven to your personal satisfaction, and then ask you:
How would this affect you? What if any changes would it make in your life?
I’d like to avoid the overall “proofs of God” question and its refutations, the “it can’t happen” sort of responses, the “the Bible says this” sort of witnessing, etc. Work with the assumption as given: whatever proof you personally would consider satisfactory has been given, and only about a very limited subset of dogma – just the existence of God and Him working through Jesus (along with enough evidence about what Jesus actually said to provide a basis for discussion). How’s it gonna affect you?
This is not (precisely) a witness thread – it’s more an investigation into how people incorporate their beliefs into their own daily lives. If it happens to move some people to accept my POV, cool! If not, it has a good humanistic purpose as well, as noted in the first sentence of this paragraph.