Embarrassingly famous pop culture that has passed you by...

My Humps? There’s a song called My Humps? It’s not about her breasts, is it?

Never seen American Idol or Survivor, but I love Project Runway and Top Chef. Have seen maybe 5 episodes of the Simpsons. Never seen Everybody Loves Raymond, 2 1/2 Men, How I Met Your Mother or Scrubs. Hip Hop just annoys me.


Sadly, yes, there is a song called My Humps and it’s about her butt. (the video is hilarious and therefore worth watching)

Even better is the Alanis Morissette remake!

You literally don’t know what you’re missing. It’s not a show about potty-mouthed kids except to the most braindead of viewers.

Absolutely! I considered linking to it, but it loses a lot of its impact if you haven’t at least heard the original, I think.

I’ll one up you. Screw cell phones. The only reason I own one is because my mother-in-law got a huge package deal. I keep it in my car, because the only time I can conceive of using a phone is if I have an accident. Every month she mentions that I didn’t use any minutes. Again.

But I have actually **used ** a cell phone before. Cold day in hell before I succumb to texting.

The little snot balls? Yeah those are gross as hell.

For me, it’s about feeling over-saturated with something before I’ve even had a chance to experience it.

When I was in college, one of my roommates went to see the South Park movie. She and a friend of hers spent the next six months singing songs from it loudly around the apartment (weeeeeeell, Kyle’s mom is a big fat b!+@&, etc etc) and quoting from it in Cartman’s voice. I got so sick of it that my desire to actually see the movie was ruined; didn’t see it until maybe two years ago (and loved it).

Harry Potter was similar. It was so amazing and awesome and everybody dressed like Harry Potter and look I have a scar on my forehead for Halloween, and look I’ve been standing in line for three days to get the next book and it’s the GREATEST fantasy story ever written because look at how many people love it and it’s so original and awesome!

Ok, fine, but none of that behaviour actually makes me interested in the book(s). This is the same general public that has, after all, kept scads of crappy TV shows on the air year after year because they love them so much as well. Why should I trust general opinion, particularly when their opinion makes everybody act like idiots? (only Trekkies are allowed such latitude :wink: ).

I finally picked up the books around when Order Of The Phoenix came out. Fairly enjoyable, and easy reads.

I’ve never watched The Daily Show, which if I what everyone tells me it’s all about is true, it’s something that I would eagerly devour. (Current events smartassery. Totally up my alley.)

But, I’ve never bothered. I did think the guy that hosts it is cute, though, when I saw him hosting the Oscars.

Never watched a “reality TV” show (although I’ve seen pieces of some).
Never played any games in the Grand Theft Auto series.
Never visited Facebook and only visited MySpace twice.
Stopped watching MTV years ago when they forgot it was a music channel.
I hope I never have to use a BlackBerry.
I have remained blissfully ignorant of almost all fashion trends.

And as for South Park:

I watched one episode all the way through (the World of Warcraft episode), and my daughter has talked me into watching parts of a couple of others. It’s not just about potty-mouthed kids. It’s about really obnoxious potty-mouthed kids, and most of the humor makes Beavis and Butthead look positively sophisticated. I probably would have enjoyed it when I was in junior high, but I grew up.

Mariah Carey. She might have more #1 hits than Elvis, but I don’t know any of them. Same with Garth Brooks, except I do know the beginning of the chorus to Friends in Low Places and Thunder Rolls.

Harry Potter is the first one I thought of. Also American Idol…I am just not interested, although I can understand why many people are. Last week one of the contestants…David Cook?..was here in town because Kansas City is his home town. You would have thought the Pope Himself was throwing out the first pitch at the Royals game!!

But there must be a lot more that has passed me by of which I am not even aware, because the last People Magazine I flipped through had me thinking “Never hear of her, never heard of him…” nearly every page!!!

I’m sorry that you judged a show with 174 episodes - 7 of which have been nominated for Emmy’s (2 won), a show that won a Peabody Award, was honored in Time Magazine’s 100-best TV shows of all time, won a GLAAD Award, nominated for an Annie, spawned a movie that received an Oscar nomination, won a CableACE, and won an Image Award - based on one episode. If you think it’s targeted towards a junior high audience you are mistaken.

Interestingly, I think that South Park falls in the same legacy as Star Trek: The Next Generation. No, really. Hear me out.

South Park is one of the more heavy-handed, “here is our message about humanity” sort of shows around. It’s crude and dirty, and quite often makes me uncomfortable, but the ‘point’ of each episode is usually clear and well-communicated in the semi-ironic vernacular of the times.

It mixes the moral, the ridiculous, the funny, and the profane in a perfect blend (though sometimes I feel like the profane gets the upper hand).

If something dirty and irreverent is going to automatically turn you off, then it’s not the show for you. But, if the dirty and irreverent is all you see, then you’re not doing your job as an audience member.

I was also ignorant of the difference between the two Fergies.

I’ve posted before about meeting Matt McGwuire (home run guy? steroids?) and not knowing who he was; when I last mentioned that, I drew some raised eyebrows because I didn’t know who evidently quite famous baseball person was.

I’ve never seen any episode of the Sopranos or the Wire. Definitely a shame in the first place, as Drea de Matteo is quite cute.

I had a bulletin board when I was a young teenager and was part of a humble community of computer geeks and time wasters so when the Internet arrived and the BBS’s died I had already had enough of the entire online chatting of AOL, IRC’s and have never spent any time on MySpace or Facebook or anything like that.

I watched the first two episodes of Survivour when it first came out and haven’t been back to reality TV since.

I assume you mean Mark McGwire? :stuck_out_tongue:

And I think the raised eyebrows would be because, depending on the time-frame, he might have been one of the most reported on people in the US. In 98 or 99 (I can’t remember know,) it was impossible to listen to ANY news program for more than five minutes without hearing about him, Sammy Sosa, and the home run record, or so it seemed. So even non-sports people were learning who he was and what he was doing.

I knew that someone named Mark McGwire (thanks for the correction) existed and was going for the home run award record and was competing with Ken Griffey. But I had no idea what he looked like, except for an impression that he must be white (because my then girlfriend only liked black men, and had told me quite some time earlier that I had to forgive her in advance if she ever managed to sleep with Griffey as she wanted to sleep with a home run champ and refused to do McGwire). So when I happened to run into MM in front of the AutoZone Park (the minor league baseball stadium I used to live near) when his team was in town for an exhibition, I had no idea who he was until someone pointed out later who I’d been talking to.

I’m there on the sports thing. I used to be married to someone who kept up with every sport, so just by being around him I was pretty conversant on most sports issues (not that I wanted to, particularly).

Well, now, my total apathy for sports can run free. I don’t know who the coach of the University of Kentucky basketball team is and I DON’T CARE. Don’t tell me if you know; I’d rather not. UK basketball is such a fucking religion around here that it grates on my nerves.

Don’t get me wrong; I don’t hate because it’s sports. Just about anything in moderation is fine with me. But tell someone in this town that you don’t give two shits about if UK won last night or not and they look at you like you’ve given up oxygen for Lent.

Same here. I’ve heard the name, but wouldn’t have a clue who he was to look at him. Actually, I’d be hard pressed to know on sight very many sports players at all.

I’ll also add that I wouldn’t be able to name the winner of any of the major sports events (Superbowl, World Series, whatever the basketball one one, etc) or even who played in them.

I’ve never seen the Sopranos and don’t even know what the Wire is about.