I just got the annual report for EMC corp. OMG, does it suck ass.
It is the usual proxy voting stuff, with envelopes to fill out if you care enough to. Also, there is some cards with invites to stockholder meetings and such.
But, the actual report is a plain white page paper 24 pages long. There is a 67 page 10-K report with all of the required financial information. So, technically they are giving me all I need. But, C’mon, no full color book with a binding covering all that the company does while blowing smoke up my ass about how great and profitable they are?
I want pictures of multi-ethnic people with smiles on their faces standing around a big computer that no one knows what it’s function is. I want a list of projects and products like Boeing the other day giving me all those fancy airplane graphics. All EMC is giving me is a post-card sized pamphlet that has about 10 pages talking about 10,000 BC cave paintings. I am not impressed. If you want the stock to go back to 80 you better get cranking on the bullshit EMC.