English Premier League 2010/11

With the Premier League starting up on the 14th I thought this would be a good time to start a thread for the season.

I’m supporting Arsenal. Who is everyone else supporting?

United for me. Time to get #19.

Likewise. As I’ve said before, last year was so frustrating in that we only needed to improve by, say 5% (not that that number particularly means anything) to win at least one, possibly two, more trophies. This is something that United were spectacularly good at doing in previous seasons, but last season they just couldn’t find it. I’m (reasonably) sure this is just a blip and this time will be different - if not, and I’m normally dead against calling for the manager’s head, but could it be time for Fergie to go? Mind you, I always thought he would regret not retiring when he first intended to, and he has achieved a hatload more trophies since then, so what do I know?

Wigan, hoping they stay up. Actually, having seen Newcastle United play PSV at the weekend in a friendly, I’d say the chances of Wigan finishing above the Magpies are around 100%.

Spurs, optimistic as ever, the future’s bright - we’ll probably lose at home to Blackpool…

I think Blackpool will make a run at Derby’s record of ineptitude. I read they haven’t made any additions yet, and have a £2m budget. The speculation was that they’ll try to add some players on loan, but it seems like they’re a lock to go down. Is West Brom coming back up so they can go back down again? I started watching the Premier League in the early 00s, and it seems like every year either WBA and/or Birmingham gets relegated or promoted. It’ll also be interesting with Aston Villa, BCFC, WBA, and Wolves all up at the same time. I think Wigan has a really good chance to surprise people if they hang on to Hugo Rolledega.

You’re probably right. Just the one away win all season.

Leeds. Oh - it says “Premier” in the title. I will root for Liverpool then - my enemy’s enemy is my friend.

Leeds in 2011.

Arsenal. Wish I were more optimistic, but I had hoped we’ve have a new keeper and two new center backs by now. And our captain and talisman, Fabregas, has spent all summer wishing he was in Barcelona. So I’ll be shocked if we end our silverware drought this year.

I’m rooting for Blackpool to stay I up. I’ve been following their manager, Holloway, since he was at Plymouth and have always liked him.

The only thing more certain than Blackpool’s relegation is that their manager will bring even more entertainment to MOTD interviews than Harry Redknapp. Thanks for reminding me of another thing to look forward to about the new season :).

You get just one guess who I support!

This is the season that Coyle will be judged on. Couple of promising isgnings in Petrov & Alonso, we still have Lee and Cahill so so far so good. Would be nice to be boringly mid table at season’s end, with no hint of a relegation fight.

United all the way.

Will also be rooting for my beloved Ross County in the Scottish 1st Division and would like to see Motherwell cause problems for the Old Firm in the SPL.

I’m optimistic only because I don’t know any better.

If nothing else, Blackpool are going to get one season of bumper home gates.

I’m seeing United get that record-equalling 19th title after another roller-coaster ride.

If they have their heads screwed on they will keep their pay structure essentially unchanged and use this season and the subsequent parachute payments to improve.

Record-breaking. We got to be equal some time ago, try to keep up :).

Ivan Klasnic on a free, 2 year contract. Good signing Mr Coyle!

These brain-farts of mine are occurring more often. I’m blaming it on the pot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Real Madrid of course.

Oh wait! Premier League…:smack:

Martin O’Neill’s jacked at Villa. Didn’t see that one coming… I know him and the Lerner had a bit of barney in the latter stages of last season, but I thought that was all settled.
Strange timing, five days before kick-off…