Enlighten me about "Non-Dieting"

I’ve finally come around to the conclusion that the main reason for my obesity is compulsive eating. I’d like to try to apply the cognitive behavioral therapy techniques that have worked quite well on my depression, and see if I can work it out on my own before trying therapy.

By Googling “compulsive eating cognitive behavioral,” I came across Linda Moran’s blog. It seems she’s written a book about using cognitive behavioral therapy to achieve “normal eating,” rather than dieting (or bingeing). Her ideas intrigue me and I’m considering subscribing to her newsletter. Really.

But, ya know, she *is * selling something, and well, I’m just a cynical hardass, so I was wondering if anyone here had experience with such an approach, before I invest too much time in it.

This is what worked for me:

  1. Walking outside at least an hour every day.
  2. Eating a balanced diet.
  3. Allowing myself anything else I wanted to eat.

I’m not saying I’m with the program 100%, but I always walk and I try to eat healthy.

The trouble with “forbidden food” is, the minute something is forbidden, you want it. And diets are self-starvation, so they don’t work. You cannot diet forever. You can eat healthy and walk forever (and you should!).

A good website on this is www.geneenroth.com. Her writings helped me break the diet-and-binge cycle. YMMV.

I found the most excellent book–It’s called Taming the Beast Feast by Jack & Lois Trimpey. I highly recommend it. I have started using the cognitive behavioral therapy techniques from the book along with some things I learned in group therapy for another issue last summer. It’s fantabulous!

Those both sound like good resources - and my library has them!

I perused Moran’s Yahoo group, and unfortunately the first thing I came upon was a discussion of EFT and how well it works. Oy. :mad: Of course, that is just the users, not Moran herself. So I’m going to check out her book as well.