Enough with the psuedo-cyber-patriotism

Apparently lots of people have no better reponse to the events of Sept 11, than to keep forwarding crap.

I know there have been other thread about this kind of thing…

But now a friend forwarded this gem…

> Subject: Tonight at 10:30 EST
> Passing along…
> Let America’s light shine tonight!
> 9:30 Central
> 8:30 Mountain
> 7:30 Pacific
> I just heard on the radio that the U.S. has asked that everyone step out
> on their lawns tonight at 10:30 and light a candle. They will be taking a
> satellite picture of the U.S. and posting it on the news tomorrow morning.
> Please pass this on to as many people as possible.

O.K. kids…how many flaws can YOU spot in this glurge?

I know everyone is trying to do their part, but I was struck by how many porn sites now have flags and eagles on them. It’s like, “We here at Anal Princess mourn the loss of the people who perished in Tuesday’s attack, and condemn the terrorists for their cowardly actions. NOW HERE’S SOME ASIAN CHICK ASSFUCKING A COKE BOTTLE!”


does she have a red white and blue ribbon painted on her breasts though? :stuck_out_tongue:

My only thought here is, how does Legomancer know what the porn sites are doing? And “so many” of them?

:eek: :smiley: :eek: :smiley: :eek:

Cause I went porn-surfing, duh!


Okay, that’s two. Milo’s remark yesterday about how he equated the importance of Jerry Falwell’s opinion with that of Carrot Top…and this.

Thanks, folks. You’ve got me laughing again.



I think I saw that coke bottle thing here


Ew Ew Ew Ew Ew

(No, I didn’t click. My imagination just went into extra innings is all.)

Beagledave - You should be ashamed of yourself for posting that Chick link in a respectable forum such as this. I don’t know about other people, but i was deeply offended by the lewd and offensive material. Like when they stuck those “tracts” of theirs in every nook and cranny.!? In public, no less! They’re going to hell for sure.


Fine. For the sake of Lao Tzu’s delicate sensibilites…the photos can also be found at www.greatbigheavingboobs-for-squeezin.com

Oh, now you have just gone too far!

Ooh, such a wonderful non-apology apology from Falwell. Almost as believable as JDT’s “Hey guys, I was only kiddin’ around with ya’!” several months ago.

“I don’t regret my words, I just regret the people I blamed hearing them. And saying them where/when anyone with some measurable cranial activity might hear them.”

Today, I nearly got into a fist fight with another balding, overweight gentelman in his extreemly late 40s on this very question at the small town businessmen’s morning coffee clatch. I was pointedly asked why I wasn’t wearing the fashionable ribbon of the day. In response it was suggested that maybe people whose idea of patriotism was to bitch about taxes, dodge the draft and waive the flag needed a ribbon but that some level of love of country could be assumed for people who had spent five years on active duty in time of war. Stress seem to bring out our reliance on the superficial.

I think that the people shoving all the flags everywhere are the ones with the least patriotism.

By the way, I think “unpology” is a wonderful term for this phenomenon.

People showing flags are the least patriotic? Please explain.

What milroyj said.