Enterprise-A Night In Sick Bay

What does Phlox have in common with Neelix?
Funky feet.

Yeah, but I don’t want to stab Phlox every time he comes on screen.

Chekov: Let me remind you of ancient Wussian epic of Cinderella. If the shoe fits, wear it…

Actually, Phlox always reminds me of Frasier…TRM

But let’s not say anything about the tongue thing, ok?
You Canadians have stronger stomachs that we down here…I have to go now.

Enterprise- all pandering, all the time.

This week, aliens invade the crew’s minds and make them parade around half naked and engage in soft-core shenanigans. :rolleyes:

But the mind aliens didn’t make them take showers with their clothes on, did they elf6c? 'Cause that’s already been done.

And they didn’t have sex with androids either, did they?

(Did they have an “It’s not our fault, it’s the aliens” storyline in DS9 or Voyager? I don’t remember.)

Ah, here we are - a place to vent my increasing wrath at the writers of what could be an excellent sci-fi based show. What the holy hell happened in this episode? A captain takes his frinkin’ DOG to a diplomatic mission that is important to the continued health of his ship, and comes back ranting and raving because they kept him waiting then sent him away? He gets all pissy because they may not have taken precautions for him? Hello - incoming message, Captain - all the aliens in the galaxy may not have the good of your crew and your dog at heart. And what’s with yelling at crew members because of your own boneheaded stupidity? Where did this Captain take Captaining school - The Earth School of How to Rampage Around the Galaxy, Sticking Your Nose Into Things Without Thinking First and Ignoring Your One Crew Member Who Might Have a Clue? Oh, and let’s go to war with these people who were going to help us when they had absolutely no reason to because they made my dog sick who shouldn’t have been there in the first place. If I were T’Pol, I would have bugged out of this crew after the bare required minimum. I’m pretty sure the Doctor is only staying because he finds the ignorant, selfish, arrogant savages from Earth highly amusing.

I miss Captain Picard desperately - a captain who knows when it’s time to say “Please sir, may I have another?” for the good of his ship, and when it’s time to absolutely, positively kill every mother****** in the room. This show needs some new writers who can write a story that doesn’t have me rolling my eyes and yelling at the tv the whole show. And can we lose the incredibly lame “Decontamination Chamber”? (There go my eyes again - rolling all over the place.)

featherlou… Your point may be well taken, and I understand your frustration but…

never diss the Decontamination chamber EVER.

Hmm. I can’t remember if I’ve made a prediction for this week’s adventure yet. If not, here it is:

Motorcycles! There’s an interstellar motorbike convention, and it’s being held on Enterprise! Watch out - there’s a Harley roaring through the bridge! It’ll be exciting AND noisy!

Kn(covering ears to ignore the teaser/spoilers Lalala, I can’t hear you!)ckers

That would be so cool Kn(better ideas that real TV)ckers! Hoshi in leather pants and a cut-off Harley t-shirt.

Of course Malcolm will show up in chaps and a black leather vest and nothing else!

Keep it up guys, keep it up.
You watch your ass, or I’ll tell you it’s about the dog!

The dog has a super cute little doggy motorcycle! It doesn’t roar, though, it buzzes. You’re walking down the corridor, minding your own business, and there’s this little buzzing sound behind you. Oh, my! Little Porthos on his hog!

How sweet.

Kn(more imagination than I know what to do with. Not always a good thing!)ckers

The hell did I put my Prozac?

I think they should have a Mirror Universe episode, where Porthos is replaced by a Doggy Mirror Athos and Doggy Mirror Aramis, both with little doggy goatees.

…who piss on Archer’s leg.

No, a mirror universe where dogs run the ship and humans are pets.
What about Hoshi with a rhinestone collar, Tars?

Well, i am a fan of anything that gets Hoshi wearing less…

Aand, we’ve descended into madness. My work here is done. :slight_smile:

Kn(Waiting to see what the justification is for Hoshi’s rhinestone collar. Because this is Star Trek - you gotta have a reason. Yeah, it can be soft core porn, but there must be an excuse!)ckers

There is a Federal law concerning how many characters may be placed inside parenthesis. TIPS called our hotline. You’re busted.
Please place your hands against the wall, and a plant will come by and take away all your money for evidence.

Rhinestone collar=device that uses brainwaves to control a robot.
Oh, why can’t i be a writer…:smiley: