Eutychus Voodoo thread

I’m screaming for my Teemings, but Euty has provided us no gleaming as to when it will come.

It was do out December 1, but it’s now Dec 6.

Doubtless, there are all kinds of good reasons for this delay. It is after all the Holiday Season, Euty’s busy schedule searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, putting the finishing touches on LOTR II the Two Towers before it’s release, all the work Euty does in his soup kitchen, etc. etc.

But as my dear old daddy used to say (and he still says it,) “A Marine doesn’t make excuses.”

Teemings is late. Euty must be punished.
So, I have this voodoo doll.

See, it looks just like him.

For my contribution I’m going to stick a giant booger up the nose of the doll so that Euty inadvertently honks out a big grey gummy bear of a boogie in front of the next lady he finds attractive.

Here’s the doll.

Go for it.

Well, let’s give Euty the best voodoo experience we can!

I refused to be sued if Euty’s head does indeed explode in flame. I just provide the web sites, I am not involved otherwise. :slight_smile:

Scylla, “screaming for teemings”. I like it.

I read all the issues, but I get the impression that not very many other Dopers read it. I know you’re involved to some extent. Do you have any idea how many hits the site gets per issue?

takes the doll

Hmm, I’ve always liked Euty, and I have no desire to see him come to harm, but this dereliction of duty can not be overlooked.

OTOH a frustrated Scylla is an amusing Scylla.

How can I get both these birds with a single stone? Hmm light bulb. Yea…
Sticks a small pin in each of the doll’s hands, right below the joint for the index finger

Bwah ha ha! A little negative feedback for Euty AND a reason to further postpone the publication of Teemings and thereby frustrate Scylla. Typing with those hand cramps will be nigh on impossible!


Here’s the doll.


I’ve read most of them. I love it! I keep contemplating whether or not to try to write something for it, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.

I named my voodoo doll “Studly Bro!”

Then I burned his gonads.



'tis not Euty’s fault that Teemings is late.

It is mine.

I am the editor of Teemings. I did not get everything back to him in the timely fashion that I should have.

You have my humblest apologies.

So please, if you must make a voodoo doll, make it look like me, not Euty.

I’ve got red hair, and I’m told my chest is pretty decent.

Go to town. :smiley:

You really want a cranky bunch of Dopers with a voodoo doll of you? Damn, lady, you do live dangerously. :smiley:

“I’ve got red hair, and I’m told my chest is pretty decent. Go to town.”

That seems more like a template for a blow up doll.


ducks and runs

Much as I want my Teemings, I cannot condone a voodoo Persephone doll. I cannot do that to the woman who gave me the absolute perfect sig line.

[sub]Just don’t let it happen again, b***h![/sub]

Don’t hurt Persephone even if she is a slacker. She’s just too precious!

I am also opposed to a Persephone voo-doo doll.

What she needs is a spanking.


Gee, astro, after looking at that doll, I’m inclined to stick something other than pins in it.

Spanking, pins, whatever.

I’m okay with that. :smiley: