Ever feel like you're going crazy?

That’s how I feel. I have this pair of American Eagle carpenter jeans. I wanted to wear them today, because I like them.

However, when I went to find them to put them on, they were nowhere to be found. This is where it gets crazy.

I wore them on Monday (or was it Wednesday?), but not since, at least I don’t remember wearing them. The other crazy thing is that my apartment isn’t very big. I have a grand total of 4 rooms, and under 600 sq ft. I have no idea what happened to my pants. I wish I could find them. They are really comfy.

Any ideas on where my pants are? I highly doubt alien invaders, but you never know. Or, it could be evil Nazi groundhogs, I suppose, but aren’t they supposed to be hibernating or something?

Now I really feel crazy. I just found them all wrapped up in one of my blankets. Now who would do something like that?

I’m a :wally

I’ve heard a term for things like you describe (I’m not making this up), and its called JOTT “Just One of Those Things”, or being “Jotted”.
I guess that’s different from jotting something down.

So every time I try to fully breastfeed, or my son starts needing more milk, I get horrible cramps and bleed for 3 to 5 days. This is now the THIRD time with the cramps/bleeding cycle since the lochia stopped. And my son is only 8 weeks old!

Is there something wrong? It is very clearly related to trying to breast feed fully (as opposed to supplement, which we have been doing), and/or my son cluster nursing. Will this happen every time he goes through a growth spurt? Could I have placenta fragments? A hormone imbalance? It’s way painful- like contractions more than cramps. My uterus is already back to normal size, so I know it isn’t still trying to shrink.

It’s so bad I am considering continuing to supplement instead of nurse entirely. It’s part of why I gave up in the first place and supplemented (in addition to medical problems my son had that required formula).

I’m supposed to see the Dr. the first week of February- should I call earlier based on this?

Sorry if this is TMI, but I’ve been googling and googling, and getting nowhere. Very sad.

ACK!!! Ignore above! I hit “submit new thread” and somehow it showed up under the last thing I read as a reply.

Ignore ignore ignore. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :mad: :mad: :eek: :eek: :smack: :o :o :o :o

They probably eloped with my socks.

Every time I read the paper, why?

Well, I hope your socks and my pants have a good life with many, many children. What would the child of a pair of socks and a pair of pants look like?

Footie pajamas?

No, the voices tell me I’m fine.