Ever get a "OMG, I can't believe I posted that" long after using the SDMB?

You’re in bed and you are thinking about what you might do at work the next day. Your thoughts turn to the SDMB and then almost immediately to any posts you made (with a view to predicting the replies and replying to them). You come to the conclusion that you were an embarrasment that day and that it’s probably a good idea to stay away tomorow.

I do. Often. I say to myself “That wasn’t cool. You know you’re cool, but when you’re in front of that computer and the SDMB is loaded you are an excited child with a pathetic joke to tell or a weak anecdote.”
I wonder what I will think of this post later.

Ha, everyone’s afraid to post to the thread.

I’ve had a few of those, but mine usually come after I hit Submit Reply. The brain kicks in and I sit here going, “Damn, did I just post that?”

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me. Especially now that I found out my wife has been stalking me here. :eek:

Oh well. So the whole world knows I’m a :wally

Please organize that middle room.

Never. Know why? Because this is a MESSAGE BOARD. It doesn’t matter what the people on it think of you because they don’t know you and you don’t know them.

Er, you’d be surprised at that one. I know (because of the board, not despite it) a fair number of the people who post here, I’d count a few of them as good friends as well.

I just wish we still had the “search” button under each person’s posts…
so that when there are specific examples I can go back and look them up :smiley:

Only once or twice.

Thankfully my brain usually stops me before I do something heinously stupid.

So I’ve never regretted a post. But I have typed up a reply and decided it wasn’t worth being submitted for whatever reason.

Click on the link of their name in the upper left hand corner of the post and you will find a handy “Find all posts by Username” link.

Push all the buttons you find, that’s my motto.

Yer pushin’ my buttons!

Mine too!
It’s amazing how much stuff you can screw up that way. :slight_smile:
(If you really work at it that is.)

To answer the OP:
Yep, but then hardly anyone reads my posts so I guess I’m safe.
Oh, I’ve also met a handful of people from here face to face so they kind of know me.

There’s probably… ::ahem::… a COUPLE posts that I shouldn’t have made. Probably. Maybe.

There’s definately a TMI post I regretted immediately after posting. But hell, I don’t know you people. And I was glad to see a lot of replies that basically said “Yeah, that’s happened to me too.”

But it does mean I might not be making any Dopefest appearances any time soon. :wink:

Of course I have posts I regret later. But you don’t think there’s a chance in hell I’ll bring anybody’s attention to them now, do you? :wink:

Same here. I know this is just the Internet and not real and all, but I do respect a fair number of posters and semi-value the spot where I fit into all this (standing on the sideline, beer in hand, heckling loudly, usually).

I once started a whole damn thread that I regretted. I’m surprised I didn’t have an entire country ticked off at me!

Thankfully, it got eaten in the Great Crash a while back. Good riddance!

Quite. Well, apart from it not being “real”. What is real? I would say that it is. When my brother was hurt (rather badly) a couple of months ago, the response from people here was overwhelming. The Dopers I’ve ended up meeting (at Dopefests) have become friends. I know a few people who’ve met their SOs on the boards. So as for it not being real, just because its the internet, I don’t buy that at all. Behind each username is a real person, and you do end up getting to know them.

[end hijack]

And as for posts I regret, yeah, there’s probably a couple, but nothing really serious. My brain has a self edit function. :slight_smile:

Yeah I get poster’s remorse pretty frequently. Usually right after hitting “submit” but sometimes not till hours later. But ya know what? None of the posts I regretted have ever come back and embarrassed me. Ever. The ones that came back to bite me in the butt were ones that didn’t even occur to me that I should regret. :smiley: :smack:

Tomorrow I’ll probably see the above paragraph and lament my poor wording but am too tired to fix it right now.

Anyway, Lobsang, consider this a vote for “don’t worry about it.” I’ve never seen you post anything that I would regret if it were in my post.



Why can’t I think before posting stupid shit? I don’t want to get banned again. I’m afraid I’m gonna piss UncleBeer off again.

I dunno, but the usual line of reasoning is “C’mon! It’s the Internet! It’s not real!” It was a snide dismissal of said reasoning, a “getting it over with”, if you will.