Ever hear of a Tom Swiftie?

A Tom Swiftie is a kind of pun, they used to have them in “Boy’s Life” magazine.

Anyway, a good example is, “I’m going upstairs!” Tom said, condescendingly.

Anyone know of any others?

I love these!

“Don’t reach into the lion’s cage,” Tom said offhandedly.

I always liked “‘That scale’s building up on my shower head again,’ Tom said recalcitrantly.”

“I’m going to be a father!” Tom said patronizingly.

Does anyone remember that “comic strip” that was in Boy’s Life about the human that was kidnapped to be a slave to tripedal, three armed, three eyed(?) overweight green aliens that had to get around on anti-gravity machines because they could barely wallk? I LOVED that strip, and would like to see if there are any collections of it available. I don’t even remember the strip’s name though. :frowning:
Yeah, I’d swipe my kid brother’s Boy’s Life magazines to read the comic first if I got the chance. I read most of the magazine too, I’m a “tomboy”.

The strip, I think, was called “The Tripods.” Actually I’m not sure about the strip, but it was based on a series of books about the Tripods by John Christopher. I loved those books when I was a kid, and also his post-apocalyptic series about the Burning Lands (or something like that).

Tom stormed in, drenched from the sudden downpour, and thundered “I hate lightning storms!”

Jerry agreed, and darkly added that the lights had been out for hours.

“Oh, don’t flood me with your complaints,” Tom sputtered. “At least you had a roof over your head!”

“Yes, I was wise enough to read the weather forcast this morning” Jerry added dryly.

That strip you’re talking about was a trilogy of three books.

The White Mountains
The City of Gold and Lead
The Pool of Fire

Great stuff. The strip was very loyal to the books, as I recall.

“Quick your hijacking and drop those box cutter’s.” Tom said, terrorizingly.

a strech, I know, but I had to take back my thread.

Trilogy of three books. Duh…


“My girlfriend fell offthe back of my motorcycle!” Tom said ruthlessly.

“We don’t have any flowers in our garden,” Tom said lackadaisically.

Just for context, this fad started in about 1962-1963.

Some vintage ones, just for the old farts.

“I’m getting married again, said Gov. Rockefeller, happily.”

“To whom, said Prince Ranier, gracefully.”

“Everything is A-OK said NASA, initially.”

Bingo! Boys Life and the Tripods Thank you! I’d been wanting to find those for years. :smiley:

There was a whole page of these I found a while back. I saved a couple of my favorites:

“Pass me the shellfish,” said Tom crabbily.
“Let’s look for another Grail!” Tom requested.
“I used to be a pilot,” Tom explained.
“I’m into homosexual necrophilia,” said Tom in dead earnest.

“I dropped the toothpaste,” said Tom, crestfallen.

" I’m not Dennis," Tom said menacingly.

“Call the glazier right away”, Tom said glassy-eyed.

“I’m from Oklahoma”, added Tom sooner.

“Take some of mine,” he said morosely.

There’s beer on my monitor thanks to this.

It’s a good example if you tell it right:

“The prisoner is going downstairs,” said Tom condescendingly. Make no sense if you go upstairs, and you need to identify what “con” refers go.

I lean toward swifties without adverbs:

“I don’t like this fish,” Tom carped.
“I’m coming,” Tom ejaculated.

“I think I’ll go wash the dishes,” Tom said with joy.

“I need my coat,” Tom said coldly.