Ever hear of German animator Hans Fischerkoesen?

I hadn’t before about twelve minutes ago. They just uploaded one of his cartoons at the youtube channel Cartoon Classics: Snowman in July. It was charming, so I searched for any other cartoons by this animator.

I just watched Verwitterte Melodie. Wow. It’s weird and charming and strange. Check it out.

Didn’t recognize him by name, but *Snowman in July" used to play on my local early-morning kid’s show.

I had never seen this, thank you for sharing it.

Here’s the original version of Snowman in July, “Der Schneemann”. That’s some surrealist ending!

I’m glad that the writers of Disney’s Frozen gave Olaf’s ending a happier twist. Although the German snowman didn’t seem upset at his fate.

Yes, I suppose that was more of a “Frosty the Snowman” ending…