Ever listen to a song and notice it mirrors your life? If so which one>?

Sigh. For No One off the Beatles’s Revolver. Here’s a snipplet:

The Tourist by Radiohead. At one point last year, I was very stressed out (I had to mark a bunch of 1st year university assignments, I had exams of my own coming up in a few days, and I had some pretty nasty problems with flatmates). Then I heard the chorus of The Tourist.

That song probably saved me from a nervous breakdown.

Also, I am going to have to agree with Pink Floyd’s Time. In fact, the entire Dark Side of the Moon album is made up of songs that either describe people’s lives (Time and Eclipse) or the world in general (Money and Us And Them). I’m sure that at some point, I’ve identified with each and every song on that album.

(By the way, if anyone here doesn’t own a copy of Dark Side Of The Moon, then they MUST go and buy a copy right now. You heard me, right now. Why are you still reading this post? Go and buy it, goddammit!)

You mean there are people who don’t own Dark Side?

I would have to say… “Wuthering Heights” By Kate Bush.

Heathcliff… It’s me… your Cathy,
I’ve come home,
I’m so cooold…
Let me into your windoooow…

“Prodigal” by Porcupine Tree. Well, the first verse and chorus anyway. I don’t watch much TV, so other parts of the song don’t really fit.

Yeah, actually. I spent plenty of time angsting over Nobody’s Girl by Bonnie Raitt…

I won’t bother linking to the lyrics. Too embarassing. But…in retrospect, it was still pretty relevant at the time.

Usually it’s pretty much Good Intentions by Lyle Lovett. It’s more me, rather than mirroring my life…but I’m a housewife, yo.

It’s one of those days
When those great ideas they just seem to fall out on you
And they always fall the greatest when you’re falling all alone
It makes for a good day for some serious reflection
And massive rationalization
For contemplating the future of the future
And the last of the past
And wondering if you could ever forgive me darling
All the trouble that I put to you
And if I could forget all those questions
That I never asked

Heh. And it’s got a sweet, low downbeat and is kinda low-key funky, and that works too, I suppose.

Man, am I an ego-monster or WHAT?

I consider that song one of the saddest ever. So sorry that you had ocassion to relate!
The song that mirrored my life at one crazy point was when my best friend stole my boyfriend (early '70s) and I heard Triad by Crosby, Stills, and Nash:

I want to know how it will be
Me and her or you and me
You both stand there with your long hair flowing
Your eyes alive, your minds are still growing
Saying to me what can we do now that we
Both love you – I love you too
I don’t really see, why can’t we go on as three


I just started teaching this year and can’t seem to shake the sinking suspicion that I’m on the receiving end of Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall”… :wink:

interface2x – eep. I’ve been there.

Poe, “Haunted.”

I have had my few mixed up moments in the past, and there’s one in particular that I am continually being haunted by/breaking away from. (Most specifically a liason that may-or-may-not have eventually become sexual/a relationship had it continued, with an exceedingly creepy, disturbed, and utterly screwed up person, who I feel guilty about not dragging out of his self-induced insanity). In some ways, I have to be constantly torn away from the memories of this person, though–aside from a few mentions on these boards and my secret livejournal–I seldom mention much about him.

In particular, these lyrics:

<i>And I’m haunted
By the lives that I have loved
And actions I have hated
I’m haunted
By the lives that wove the web
Inside my haunted head</i>

<i>“Come here
No I won’t say please
One more look at the ghost
Before I’m gonna make it leave
Come here
I’ve got the pieces here
Time to gather up the splinters
Build a casket for my tears”</i>

The Beatles “She’s Leaving Home.” That’s not a song you hear on the radio every day, and I’d been thinking of it the day I left home, and surprisingly I did hear it on the radio that day.

I’m thinking Annie Waits by Ben Folds:

Or just about anything by Counting Crows.

“Tangled Up in Blue” by Bob Dylan. Most of the scenes he describes parallel scenes from my life.

“Snowball in Hell” by They Might Be Giants

“If it wasn’t for disappointment, I wouldn’t have any appointment.”

Two tracks on Ani Difranco’s To the Teeth hit pretty hard during a rather complicated break-up. Soft Shoulder and the song immediately following it, Wish I May can both still make me tear up. They were so close to how I was feeling. In particular, from Wish I May:

It takes a stiff upper lip
Just to hold up my face
I gotta suck it up and savor
The taste of my own behavior
I am spinning with longing
Faster then a roulette wheel
This is not who I meant to be
This is not how I meant to feel

And from Soft Shoulder:

And they missed fate’s appointed rendezvous
And then a whole lotta time went by
And finally they were done
Worshipping the landscape
And they put down their hands
And moved into the sky

And they had barely said hello
And it was time to say goodbye

Of course, as soon as I saw the title of this thread I had to go rip the scab off that particular hurt by putting on that cd and listening to them.

Passenger by Deftones