Yeah so, apparently, my aunts and uncles had an intervention for my father at my uncle’s house. He took it extremely well, everything WAS cool. He was happy and relieved that everyone cared enough about him to try to get him to stop. Ofcourse we do, we’re your family dad. What else did you expect? Anyhoo… they all talked about moving him out of his g/f’s house and into his own place again. He was all for it, happy.
Oh, and to quote my father;
“I hate living there. She drags me down, and I can’t take it anymore.”
Kudos to you Pops! Haha… FUCK OFF DAD!!
He’s called my house, and told my mom that his g/f told him that I told her that I do extacy, and Tylox, and perks, and vikes, and smoke weed all the time(I do smoke weed, not all the time, and my mom knows about that one, and its being dealt with).
Apparently he told his slut bitch about the intervention, and how everyone’s going to get him out of her house. HE WASN"T SUPPOSED TO TELL HER!!! Now she’s trying to take the focus off of him and place it on me, hoping that everyone will forget about his problems, and he knows this too. He doesn’t want to go to detox like we planned, he doesn’t want to move out. “She loooooves me.”
Fortunatly we all know better, and are going to fuck him and her up the ass by calling DCF on the hoe-bitch.
Fuck 'em. I can’t put up with it. I’m only sixteen, its really hard.
Well, some people can be helped and others choose not to. That bites, I know, especially considering its your dad we’re talking about. I think calling DCF (whatever that is) is a good idea. If people refuse help, then get the authorities involved. Sometimes a wake up call can make a big difference.
As for you, learn from your old man: don’t do drugs and don’t get involved with people that do.
Still, tough case any way you slice it. Good luck!
Good luck with that sk8, you seem a decent enough fellow, so I’ll hazard a guess that you will turn out all right, despite the fuck-uped-ness going on around you.
Addiction mmust really have a stranglehold on your dad. Hope he gets over it, for the both of you. You sound like a really nice guy. I know you will make it through.
DCF is an organization that one could get ahold of incase that person feels that a parent or parents, are not doing their job correctly, and not providing a safe, beneficial, home environment. The organization will remove the child from his/her home situation,a dn place him/her in a stable one. Maybe with relatives, like an aunt or grandparent.