Evil, twisted, and just plain *wrong* crossovers you'd like to see

Batman teams up with Goku (DBZ)

“Why’d you throw him into that cliff?”

“Seemed like a good idea.”

“You just destroyed the batcave.”

What’s “evil, twisted and just plain wrong” with that? I’d pay to watch that. While we’re at it, round up Sean Hannity, Limbaugh, et al. and subject them to some “enhanced interrogation techniques”, reminding them every time they complain that it’s NOT torture, it’s just like a fraternity initiation.

OK, maybe that would be evil and wrong.

O’Reilly Factor meets MythBusters.

The Boys take up fact-checking… violence ensues. :smack:

The original St. George, who fought crocodile sized dragons judging by the paintings IIRC, meets up with Smaug from LOTR.

The soldiers from the Starship Troopers movie end up in a war against the soldiers from the original Starship Troopers book. Hilarity ( and nukes ! ) ensues !

Barney the dinosaur and the Jurassic Park velociraptors take each others places.

Sin City and the Andy Griffith Show. Barney Fife is replaced by the big ugly guy who dismembers his enemies. :eek:

The Punisher and Night Court. All the accused are gunned down in spectacular fashion. :smiley:

Snuggles the fabric softener bear meets a facehugger Alien.

Kelly’s Heroes and either Slaughterhouse-Five or Full Metal Jacket.

Or FMJ and Fullmetal Alchemist. :eek:

Interview with a Vampire and Shadow of the Vampire
("What if the legendary ambiguously gay goth heartthrobs were actually played by fetid, ratlike, half-senile old Nosferati?")

Men Behind the Sun and Barefoot Gen
(Adding the latter onto the former makes an all-around “feel good” movie for the whole family…if you define “feel good” as standing up and screaming "YES! Suck neutrons you little bastards! Die! DIIIIE!")

You missed the next part:

Priest-King (ex machina): “Technology violation. Prepare for Flame Death”.

Drow priestess/mage: “What?” ::spontaneously combusts::

And then the Drow get to fight fair, and find themselves in the place ordained for them by nature, 'cos with mundane hand-to-hand weapons, no magic, and not even any of that nifty Drow chainmail that is useless to player-characters, they’re screwed. Literally. Goreans are good at what they do. :smiley:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: MASH Trek.

“Ensign. O’Reilly.”
“Yes sir, should I set phasers to stun?”
“No. I want you. To set. Phasers. To stun.”

“He’s dead, Jim.”
“Not on my watch. Live, dammit! Live!”

Over hill, over dale, Klingon qutluch will never fail.

That thought did make me smirk :smiley:

American Zombie Idol; contestants need to carry a tune properly while avoiding hungry Zombies (has to be Romero zombies, O’Bannon Zombies, that crave braaaiiins, would starve if fed a diet of nothing but A.I. contestants)

Survivor; Zombie Island… contestants are dropped on a Zombie-infested island with only a Swiss Army knife, they must survive both the environment, and the constant onslaught of the Living Dead

The Zombie Bachelor; contestants must seduce the Undead star and not end up a snack instead

actually, come to think of it, any reality show can be improved by adding Zombies!

That’s why I brought in Lolth, personally.

Priest-King (ex machina): “Technology violation. Prepare for Flame Death”.
Lolth ( appearing behind Priest-King ) : "Nonsense ! "
Priest-King : “What ?!”
Lolth : “Why, if I and my servants were using technology, I could never just appear right behind you ! And I certainly couldn’t do this . . .”
Priest-King : “Aiiiiie !”
Lolth : “Or this !”
Priest-King : “Ahhhhghhh ! !”
Lolth : "And certainly not this !
Priest-King : “Urrrrrrkk !”
Lolth : < sighs > “I must remember not to play so hard with my toys; they break so easily . . . don’t you agree ?”
Priest-King : < sound of sizzling flesh >

The Story of Ricky Nelson. A middle-aged rock-n-roll heartthrob goes to prison for manslaughter. It doesn’t take him long to discover the overwhelming corruption of the system, so he starts punching off the guards’ heads. Eventually he kills the quartet running the prison and wins his freedom, but in an ironic twist he dies in a plane crash while freebasing. Dubbed.

Unfortunately for Lolth, since the PKs conduct their surveillance entirely from the Nest, the above scenario would require her to confront more than one superintelligent and unfeasibly teched-up insectoid. And bearing in mind that I’ve played “Queen of the Demonweb Pits” and seen what a mere bunch of mortals with some neat toys can do to her, I think she’d be smart enough to steer clear of a large number of aliens who were capable of bringing the planet Gor into Earth system from a distant galaxy.

Which again means she needs to either keep her precious Drow off Gor, or have them abide by the local rules. AC -10 and 66% magic resistance is all very well, but it won’t see off a gravitational disruptor.

On the Beaches - an adult fim starring Bette Midler.

I think I just threw up a little…

I think Lolth and her followers might get allong quite well with the PK’s, after all uber tough females do fairly well on Gor.

The Gor people would be fighting Llolth’s matriarchal mortal worshippers too, then. …Okay, maybe this should be a “Gor vs. Llolth” thread instead of duking it out in here. I was gonna say a bunch more stuff, but it’d just continue the hijack.

“The X Files” and “Dragonball Z.” Not only does nothing ever actually happen, nothing appears to happen. Mulder and Scully spend each episode twitching their faces at each other and saying “Grrrrnnnghh!!!” and “Wah!”

“Star Trek: Voyager” and Inner Space. The ship is shrunk down to miniature form and injected into Martin Short’s ass. Strangely, The Cowboy and The Doctor are long-lost twins.

Bridge on the River Kwai and Stand and Deliver. A misfit bunch of kids is sent to a Japanese prison camp to learn how to do math problems.

“Baywatch” and Saving Private Ryan. Thousands of big-breasted bikini models emerge from the surf, bouncing and jiggling their way up the beach in slow motion, and are mowed down by a steady hail of fire from the German machine gun nests.

Will and Gracie (Allen)
Gracie: Want to go out with me?
Will: Sorry Ma’am. I’m gay.
Gracie: You don’t look very happy to me.

Batman meet Roger Smith (Big O)
“Fighting crime with a giant robot? Why didn’t I think of that?”
Stares at R. Dorothy. “Man, I thought having a relationship with a villianess was kinky.”

Heck, Saving Private Ryan meets The Hobbit.

The soldiers start swarming ashore…just in time for Smaug to swoop down and begin roasting them. “Damn Kraut Dragons!”
Also, The Thing meets The Hunt For Red October. They must discover who on the rogue sub simply wants to defect…and who wants to invade.