EX-NFL player killed in Afghanistan

Here is the MSNBC article.

I was impressed with his courage and selflessness when he joined up. Seeing that he’s now dead- it makes me wonder about other friends I have in the war zones.

There are no details of the death. I hope he didn’t suffer. He will be remembered- someone is probably preparing the clip to be shown at the draft this weekend.

What an impressive individual. I remember him playing but bon’t think I’ve ever seen him interviewed. When guys like this go down, it really sends a clear message as to just how tough the situation in Afghanistan really is.

I seem to recall that his brother also joined so that they could serve together. It’s sad and certainly very tough on his family to lose a son like this, just as it is for any family to lose such a young person. But he did what he wanted to do, serve his country, and so played life on his own terms. There aren’t a lot of people who have the courage of their convictions like this.