Exam Week is Hell!!!

As most college students I am in the middle of my exam week. And as you might have guess I am really stressed out. I was wondering if there is anybody out there who has any good advice of how to get through this horrible week with out going insane. Because I am open any suggestion out there. Thanks :slight_smile:

The trick to not losing one’s sanity during exam week is to lose one’s sanity much, much sooner.

I have used this technique for years, with varying success.

As I told Ad Noctum earlier this evening, the ultimate cure for ickiness (including the kind caused by final exam angst) is standing on a chair, wearing scrubby pajamas, and eating macaroni and cheese. My roommate and I swear by this method.

Finals suck.

I try so hard the entire semester that I’m pretty much burned out by the time finals swing around. I’m usually pretty fatalistic at this point. Que sera sera. I’ve done my best so far, if a professor wants to judge an entire semester’s worth of performance by one exam, so be it. Things hardly ever turn out as bad as I expect.

Good luck everybody!

Also, be glad that you’ll be done with it soon and will be able to enjoy the holidays. Always helps to look ahead. The college I went to had exams in late January - now that was hell. We spent our holidays with our piles of textbooks staring at us.

Do what I’ve done - build up so many credits that you realize that no matter what grades you get this semester, it’s mathematically impossible for your overall GPA to change by more than about .5. Motivation quickly sinks right out of sight, along with worry.

Yes exam week is turning out to suck a big one. This is my first exam week in college seeing how I’m a freshman IT’s incredibly stressful right now. Not only do I have to study but here is the list of other things that I have to deal with. I’ve got work every morning from 4am-8am, I haven’t slept in the past 2 1/2 days, I need to come up with $300 in 3 days to pay for the rest of this semesters bills or they cancel all my classes and I’m screwed next semester, I’ve got to move all my shit out of my room because the housing department gave my room away and I didn’t have a room but someone is now letting me move in with them, I’ve got to help my mom come up with enough money to make the next house payment or she loses our house (f*cking deadbeat running off with a drug addict lil’ slut), and finally I’ve got to worry about getting sleep. I know that last one doesn’t sound right but I can’t really sleep anymore. It’s like well simply I cannot sleep. I get maybe 4-6 hours sleep every 2 days or so. Although it gives me unbelievable amounts of study time so I reckon I cannot complaing that much. Well whoever else has to deal with my kind of hell I feel for you.

That should read (f*cking deadbeat Dad running off with a drug addict lil’ slut) my apoligies for any inconvenience that may have caused for normal deadbeats that may have ran off wth drug addict lil’ sluts

Yeah…I have 2 finals today. One starts in an hour, the other is a half hour after the first. Uck.


Okay, okay. The mighty Tiki God has got me beat. It makes me think that no matter how bad things are they can always get worse. But fortunately when you hit rock bottom there is nowhere to go but up.

Hey it’s all good. I can still realize that I’ve got it better than some people which makes me feel pretty good. Just like the other day since my afformentioned f*cking deadbeat dad… I have recieved a pretty hefty Pell Grant which will help me to stay in school. SO no matter what it can get better pretty quickly.

It will probably make you want to vomit to hear this, but I sort of LIKED exam week. I liked having no classes, just studying interspersed with exams. I would study, study, study, and then I’d hit this point where I was strung out and could tell I could not study one more thing without going nuts, so I’d shove my books aside and walk around aimlessly until it was test time. Then I’d repeat the process for the next subject. It was exhilerating in a nail-biting, ulcer-inducing, primal-scream-therapy kind of way.

It helped that we got to schedule our own exams, but still…

Anyway, that would be my advice. Remember that it’s okay to NOT study sometimes–you have to give your brain a rest and some time to process it. There is a point at which additional cramming won’t help. Enjoy it.