I’m much more of a lurker than a poster, but sleep deprivation does crazy things to Okaybear, and I felt the need to brag. I spent all night studying for an exam (Personality/Social Psychology) and totally aced it. Took less than 30 minutes, never had to think twice about an answer, just completely aced it.
So, mundane and pointless, yes. But what about the other Dopers who are in varying states of scholarly hell (read: exam weeks)? All finished and grooving on into a relaxing holiday? Still struggling like me? (I have one take-home and one in-class exam left - both psych courses.) Did you breeze through, or survive on caffeine and a sheer will to get to the end of the semester/quarter/trimester, as the case may be?
Regardless, I raise my proverbial glass to the students out there who are burning the midnight oil, studying hard, and pulling through. Fighting ignorance? Oh yeah, I’m all about it. Pats self on back, returns to normally humble lurker state, passes out in bed
I have to turn in this 1000-word essay today to my T.A. for Renaissance Europe by 1:30, and I am totally acing it.
You know that adrenaline buzz you get when you’re racing along and words are flying and everything is brilliant and you feel like you can’t do anything wrong? Yeah, I’ve got that buzz.
I’m in The Real World now. But I do look back fondly on the recurring quandry: Essay for Medieval Lit, essay for 20th Century British Lit, study for 20th Century American Art exam–all due in 2 days…or drink this case of beer with my roomie and a couple gals from German Lit & Film? Well…drink of course!
And somehow the grades just kinda fell into place. Amazing days.
Circuits tomorrow. Was doing fine until 2nd order RLC’s, which I will be spending the next 10 or so hours trying to perfect. Also have a Bioethics exam half an hour after the circuits one, but she gave us the exam + answers (about two pages of material) and I should be able to learn it between the two.
First semester of grad school officially ended yesterday! Wooohoooo!
Had one on Wednesday that I studied a lot for, and it was hard, but my studying was enough and I aced it. Had one on Thursday that I studied a lot for, and it was a killer, but my studying was definitely NOT enough. I bombed it. Thankfully, most of the rest of the class bombed it too. I went in to the exam thinking I had a high B average, and left hoping I would pass the class. I’m praying for lots of partial credit and a nice curve. My other class had a research project as the final, so I was able to do pretty well on that.
Congrats to everyone who made it through another semester.
Ugh, my kindly roommate just woke me up (being done with all her finals - lucky wench) so I could get up to pull another all-nighter for ANOTHER 9am exam. I slept for 6 hours, though, so hopefully that’ll be enough to pull me through the night. This one’s on Research Methods in Psychology, so most of the grade depends on our projects through the semester (which have all been pretty good for me), but I’d still like the boost this exam could give.
Misnomer, part of my sleep-deprivation meant that earlier today when I posted, I did not quite realize how many threads about exam week would be started. But kudos to you and everyone else for their hard work (including those in the “real world,” already - that’s this May for me. gulp).
I’m very happy with that. Of course, now I have to figure out how to get my schedule back to “normal human being” from “gottafinishcaffeinerushwhatquestionamIasweringagain”.
I really enjoyed writing one of those papers, is that sick and wrong? Is it balanced out by the fact that the other was like pullling my own teeth out with chewing gum?
Finals week is a special time for upper-level engineering students get to explore the limits of sanity and endurance. Today, I just finished taking 3 exams within 48 hours. Each exam took me over 2 hours to complete. I’d rather have a Tobasco sauce enema than do it over again.
Ahhh…but I gave a solid performance on all three and it’s over now at least for the semester. I just woke around 8:30pm since the last of my finals was from 8:00am-10:30am(ish). I still have jet lag from staying up for 2.5 days.
I’m done except for my French final tomorrow morning, which shouldn’t be too bad, but I do need an A on it to get an A in the class, because I slacked on a few things, so I’m studying now.
Wednesday I had my harmony final, which was easy except for a couple weird bits, and then my jury (playing exam for the faculty), which I did well enough on. Then I spent the rest of the day studying for my music history final, which was Thursday morning. I do believe I rather owned it.
Ten and a half hours until my Con Law exam! After that, I just have one next Wednesday, and I’m not particularly worried about it. My evil evil girlfriend finished this morning and she’s been taunting me all day.
Me, I ignore the taunting and go back to message boards and sports websites instead of studying. It’s just how you do exam period, you know?
(Last weekend sucked, though - I had about 50 written pages and two “midterms” between Thursday and Monday. That was a freakin’ party.)
Pretty sure I failed my pharmacy final. Did very well on my first one, 86, but gah this one I dropped the ball. The material on the test was not what my professor said was going to be on it. But in all fairness he did say at the begining of the semester I was expected to know everything from cover to cover in my text. When pressed he said to focus on terminology and definition and thats exactly what he didn’t put on the final. Sneaky beatch.
Finished up my exams today. I wrote 6 this week and took about 2.5 to 3 hours to write each one, except for the last two which took me just under an hour each but it was the easy courses. (Systems and Macroeconomics as compared to Statistics, Intermediate Accounting, Cost Accounting and Finance).
Finance was finally clicking into place while I studied but disappeared again on the test, so I’m hoping I just passed it. The rest I did fairly well though, so I’m not worried.
I’m, um … what … uh? ::tries vainly to construct some semblance of coherent thought ::
Oh, that school thing I’m doing. Yeah. Four classes down, one to go.
Mind you, the one course that’s left is a graduate level physics course, Methods of Theoretical Physics. Essentially electrostatics and magnetostatics.
And don’t forget that the final exam on Monday night is comprehensive. Anything about Maxwell’s equations (for a variety of situations, and possibly decoupled), solving Laplace’s equation for electric potential via separation of variables (in cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates), Bessel functions, Legendre polynomials, Green’s functions, method of images, Gauss’ law, Ampere’s law, the Biot-Savart law, retarded potential solutions, the Poynting and Hertz vectors, dielectric and diamagnetic materials, the coulomb and lorentz gauges, and the conservation of momentum could be on the test.
Did I mention I don’t get a crib sheet, or my notes? Just a math handbook.
Ah, but the icing on the cake is that in order to get an A in the course, I need essentially a perfect score on this final.
I’m going to go back to solving practice problems now.
I had a law exam consisting of 100 multiple choice questions all written in that impenetrable academic style. I knew the articles and information that the questions referred to, but still had no idea if the answers I selected were correct. Additionally, an overwhelming majority of the questions were either “double” negatives (Select the option that is NOT a criticism…) or including the dreaded “None of the Above.” The latter compounded by the cryptic writing style. I was not pleased. Not at all.
Buddy isn’t even a practicing lawyer either. Hopefully, Mr. Ivory Tower has a reality check before the next one.
I have exams Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week so this weekend is no fun for me. But I figured out that in one class I have to get just a 20% on the final to still be able to keep my A, which is comforting.
Oh, this is a much better thread: I’d actually managed to forget about it being exam time for thousands of folks, because I’d been so intent on my final project. :smack:
I’m likin’ this grad school stuff: 4 classes down, and only one of them has had tests/exams! I’m pretty sure that the spring class I’m registered for won’t have tests/exams, either.