Examples of Silly New Expressions

During the past few years, I have heard a few expressions that appear to be “completely new” to me and also new to the English language.
Many of these expressions are just … well … I’m trying to think of a polite way to describe them, but … there is only one word that comes to my mind.

I don’t intend to slight anyone. So, please forgive me if you feel offended. But, the only word that fits is “stupid”.

Here are some example:

  1. It is what it is!
  2. Shit happens.
  3. I was only asking a question.
  4. I was only making a statement.

The first two are often used when people want to evade or escape blame for something they did and usually they fully know they are to blame.
The last two are often used when someone says something they regret and they are a way (although admittedly not a very good way) to try to escape blame or shift it onto someone else.

I must admit that I am often guilty of using the last two of these to try and wriggle out of some blame that I fully deserved.
You know, I could have sworn that I had more than just these two examples but unfortunately, I can’t seem to recall any more at this time.
I’m hoping that some of you might know some other examples and might be willing to post them here.

I was prompted to post this thread when I saw the look on the face of one of the recent bootees from Survivor. This person seemed to have a great big grin on their face. It was as if they were overjoyed to have appeared on this TV show - regardless of the fact they were evicted. It was a very strange look they had.

It is what it is! (or they are what they are) is somewhat old. I’ve been watching a lot of old movies from the 40s and listening to old time radio, and that phrase or another form of it, is said often.

It used to be said in context. Now it’s often said in a nonsensical and random way when people want to sound vaguely deep.

I like ‘‘It is what it is,’’ it’s very Zen. My interpretation is that we have no choice but to accept life’s circumstances, so we might as well roll with them. I see it most commonly used to express ‘‘I have accepted this and am reasonably at peace with it.’’

The ones that bug me are the ones that are supposed to be empowering or cloyingly optimistic. "Until you love yourself, you can’t love anyone else.’’ I’m not convinced self-love is a reasonable life goal for most people… obviously hating yourself and being self-destructive is bad, but convincing yourself you’re absolutely fabulous – especially if there isn’t anything particularly wonderful about you – it just seems like a fool’s errand. And I seriously doubt a merely mediocre self-concept correlates with one’s ability to show love to others. Ditto for the body-positive movement, some people definitely will benefit from working on their self-image, but I don’t see anything inherently valuable about thinking yourself, unconditionally, a hot piece of ass.

You need to get out more. ‘Shit happens’ is hardly new.

One that is pretty recent and stupid and silly is: ‘Bae’.

Yep, Forrest Gump inspired the phrase "Shit Happens"when he was running across the country in the late 70’s. If you are a Gump-denier, Wikipedia says it was first documented in the 1960’s.

It was used even more frequently than now when I was a child in the early 80’s.

You want “new expressions”? Read some Black Twitter. Hilarious and informative!

What, please tell, is “Bae” ?

Short for “babe”. You’re officially allowed to punch everyone who uses it.

The feels! I can’t even!

I use these all the time. :smiley:

I’m getting tired of “Long story short”. Usually said* near the conclusion* of long ass story.

But, but, it doesn’t even shorten it :confused: Oh yes, if and when I hear this, there will be punching.

How true! Good eye!

Oops … “Good Eye” is OK. Isn’t it?

I use “jelly” and “obvi” to annoy and embarrass my children.

Ya’ll are adorbs.

Totes adorbs.

This whole thread is on fleek.

Hey! This is an English-language message board! No furrin words!

This thread gives me a sad.

“evs” which is short for “whatevs” which is already short for “whatever”. Does it really take that much effort to spit out all 3 syllables? (Evidently it does lol)