Excuse me, a quick thing for Happy Rhodes fans (got cats?)

Two things actually. 1) I’m working on a project to put all of Happy’s music on YouTube. I only have the first two albums up now, but over the course of the next week or two(ish) every song from all 11 albums will be there. (I do have her blessing btw)

  1. The 5th album, Warpaint, includes the song “Terra Incognita” which is from the point of view of a cat. A couple of months ago I made a video to the song using cats owned by (er, who own) Dopers. Since I’m putting up the song anyway, I’m going to make another one, this time using fan’s cats.

I may be the biggest big mouth (I have toned it down) but I know I’m not the only fan here, so if you’re a fan, and you have cats*, please message me, or provide a link here to pictures that I can download to use in the video. The bigger, and the more, the better. It’s nice to have a range to choose from. Happy provided pictures of her cats for the Doper version (she liked it too), and will be providing more for the fan version.


  • sorry dog owners, but she doesn’t have any songs about dogs. At some point I would like to make a video to Jane Siberry’s “Everything Reminds Me Of My Dog” and if I do, then I’ll be asking for dog pictures.