Last year we displayed furniture as part of our trade show booth with signs on the chairs and sofas asking people not to sit on it.
Three reasons: 1)It was loaned to us 2)Frankly we didnt want our booth to turn into the Public Lounge (esp for Ma and Pa Kettle to camp out all day when they clearly werent customers for our product OR The Rabbitt Family with their 5 fucking brats running roughshod all over our display disturbing other patrons while their inbred parents ignore their unruly behavior) 3) There really was limited space at a very busy trade show and wanted to keep traffic flowing, not havingg attendees stepping over other people knees ans feet. 4)We weren’t selling furniture it was there to add to the theme of the display
Well, a significant portion of the public being assholes, many passersby made snide remarks like “Eeerwa, Such a shame! All this nice furniture and we cant sit on it, tsk tsk tsk” or “Hey Pal theres already enough signs in this place telling you to not sit down!”
Ok we got the message so this year we tried something different-to be nice we got a bigger space and placed all the furniture at one end of the booth and let people sit.
At first it worked. Folks would come in and cool their heels for 2-3 minutes and move on. Then… the Trash moved in. LITERALLY.
Enter the slobs who decided our booth was a restaurant, dropping remnants from their disgusting cheeseteak sandwiches or dripping ice cream all over the floor. Another brushed crumbs off his pants onto our display. One dude had the balls the leave behind and empty beer can. Two others had even more balls: they asked us for napkins. Then there was the guy who asked us where our wine was. For real. WHAT fucking wine?
But then the straw that broke the camels back? The hamburger inhaling fatso wiping his greasy hand on the furniture cover!
After only four hours of trying to be nice, EVERYONE LOSES:
- We put up No Eating signs all over the display and within 30 minutes asked 6 people, apparently illiterate, to leave. Im sure they went home telling all their family friends what assholes WE were. No matter: if you live life like a fucking pig, you probably cant afford our product anyway.
And you know what? They are RIGHT we ARE now assholes because:
- I already called the booth designer and told them for next year NO CHAIRS. No barstools. No ledges.
But there IS good news for all you fucking idiots who decided to use our display as a dumpster today: we will be near the bathroom so if you need a place to sit, you wont have far to take a dump just like you did to our booth this year.
After all, as we learned today there is an ass for every seat.
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