explain jimmy carr joke about irish weddings

In the video from Jimmy Carr’s “being Funny” special back in 2011 he said so a woman from Dublin “I saw the documentary about your weddings. I thought it was terrific.” which seemed to greatly amuse the audience.

Can somebody explain the joke here?

Maybe … the Irish, being predominantly Catholic, are not particularly noted for having multiple spouses? :dubious:

I think there’s a reality show on this side of the pond called my gypsy wedding. Just a guess, but there’s probably the same show over in the UK about Travellers. Who are essentially irish gypsies.

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding


Thanks, Galwegian. I figured it was something like that, though I’d have expected more of a fictional series (e,g, x-files as a documentary about the FBI, Captain America for our WWII secret agencies, etc.).

Terentii, I’m pretty sure he was using “your” as a second-person plural possessive.