I pit Express Scripts, and all the other money stealing middle men PBMs (Pharmacy Benefit Managers).
You want to know the problem with health care? It is all the freaking middle men skimming money out of the system! Express Scripts now controls over 60% of every prescription filled in the United States, and all they (and other PBMs) really do is skim money between the actual insurance companies who pay, and the companies who self insure, and the pharmacies that actually fill the prescriptions and do the work. Finally, there is an article showing how much they actually skim, one prescription, they bill $92 to the company, but only pay $26 to the pharmacy (which has to pay for the actual product, the lights, the vials, the paper, the pharmacists, the techs, the time to fix the doctors errors, to council the patients, and more). So the “middle men” who only job is to move money around, and make pharmacy transactions easier, received three times the money the people actually doing the work did.
A year ago, Walgreens, the largest retail pharmacy chain, refused to sign a contract with Express Scripts, they stated that the contract offered made Express Scripts over 10 times the profit they made on each prescription they filled. Express Scripts then bought the 2nd largest PBM (Medco), placing themselves into a great majority of scripts filled, and FORCING Walgreens and others to accept their dictated contracts.
Pharmacy Benefit Managers claim that their services help to reduce medication costs by negotiating with pharmacies and manufactures for better prices… Why then has the average cost of a medication increased over 10 times since PDMs first started in the 70’s? All they do is act as middle men and confuse pricing. No one knows what medication actually costs anymore!
Since this is the pit, let me just say, FUCK YOU Express Scripts! FUCK your lowly reimbursements! That $60 spread in billing and payment on ONE script would pay for an entire extra tech per a day! No wonder all the PBMs are demanding mandatory mail order, you don’t want anyone to know what awful payments you make, and want to keep all the money for yourselves…
All the PBMs are is middle men, standing between your doctor and pharmacist who prescribe and fill your prescriptions, and your insurance company who pays, and pharmacy who gets paid…
You want to lower healthcare costs? Express Scripts, who are middle men, made over $500,000,000 PROFIT last year (including acquisition of the 2nd largest PDM) while they are JUST middle men!
$65 on one prescription, on a generic antibiotic, and you wonder why health care costs are rising?!?!?