''Extending'' Summer Vacation: Suggestions Requested

Since I consider you all to be geniuses in many arenas, I wanted to ask for some quick advice:

The Situation

My SO is returning this evening from a short vacation that she has been looking forward to for some time. Unfirtunately she was in Cape Cod, where they’ve seen quite a bit of rain. She can’t extend her vacation to tomorrow when it is supposed to be sunny and beautiful. I pick her up at the airport this evening.

A Germ of an Idea

I was thinking, what if I picked her up and we returned to her apartment (which I have a key to) and she can extend her beach vacation for one night? That would be fun.
Your Mission SDMB, Should You Choose to Accept It

Help me quickly and relatively inexpensively transform a simple one-bedroom apartment into a beach resort- in the next twelve hours (also, I have to work a bit). Any takers? I promise I’ll share results, assuming I can pull it off.

Sun lamp (rented?), beach chairs, a full cooler of appropriate beverages, a CD player with one of those “beach noise” CDs on. You could also make a batch of this drink.