Extraterrestrials Exist--Do People Actually Panic

Do they appear over our cities in massive ships?

Have they been performing anal probes for decades?

Do we have an idiotic Bill Pullman-like president?

All I can say is, if the best resistance we can come up with is Jeff Goldblum, I for one welcome our new alien devourers. Wiuld you like some salt with your Boyo Jim?

I’m not sure I’d trust aliens who thought remaining hidden behind a government conspiracy is the best way to make friends with humanity.

You’d think if the aliens’ intentions were good, they’d contact governments and then expect the governments to immediately start preparing their societies for the Big Reveal. If the aliens and the government together feel the best way is by anal-probing people into forming secret support groups for the anally-probed and occasionally getting documentaried, then they’re ass-twats.

People were ready for aliens back in the 50’s and 60’s. If the government was getting us ready, we’d be more than ready enough by now. Instead governments sit around denying stupid stuff like Area 51, while being not-so-secretly amused. That’s dickish. Why are we wasting so much time, money & lives on silly wars around the world when we’re supposed to be getting ready for a wonderful new inter-galactic community?

IMO, any alien visitors that need to go through governments for any reason is not sufficiently advanced enough.

Because, as was suggested elsewhere, the aliens didn’t land here. We’re looking for UFOWMDs.

Tek er jeh!