To begin with an aside, I’m glad I now live in a world where this topic need not be titled something sexist like, “Ladies, help me with my eyelashes.” I don’t care if you are a lady (I personally try to avoid being one). If you like to do things to make your eyelashes thicker, longer, darker, more beautiful … talk to me. Here’s my current state of knowledge and attitude on the options I have tried or at least heard of:
Mascara - I mostly hate it, so if you recommend that, it better be a fantastic product that never clumps or smears, is easy to apply, stays fresh for a long time, won’t break the bank, and can be purchased on line since we don’t have high-end stores here in my remote corner of Hawai’i. I’ve never found a product that meets all these criteria, but then again, I’ve never tried much. My experience with mascara is that shortly after applying it I have grit in my eye and dark circles underneath. Also, my eyelashes are LONG, so if I need sunglasses shortly after application, I end up with gross streaks of mascara on the lenses.
Tinting - Back when I was young and vain, I used to get eyelash tints fairly often. Those were awesome - for a short time and a reasonable price, some sort of long-lasting dye was applied to my eyelashes. It would stick for a month or so, and was like having perfect, waterproof mascara. But I’m not seeing a lot of evidence on line that this is still a thing.
False eyelashes - forget about it! I have no desire to look like Tammy Faye or to deal with the inconvenience.
Eyelash extensions - um, it’s on the internet, but what is this? Is it fairly painless and affordable? Is it better than false eyelashes, in other words: Will I look like a good version of me, or will I look like wolf spiders are sucking my eyeballs?
Other options - no idea, but I’m listening.