Facebook Faux-Pas?

As some of you know, I recently started cramming for the February LSAT exam. To find more time for studying, I decided to suspend my facebook account. When one tries to close their account, they are left with the option to be able to restore the account at a later time. Presumably once I’ve written my big test I’ll do just that in a few months.

So after a few phone calls from concerned friends, itit occurred to me: does facebook not distinguish between someone who has deleted you/set to ignore from their friend list and someone like myself who left altogether? I don’t particularly want anyone thinking the only reason they don’t see my profile anymore is that I singled them out and selected delete/ignore.

Is there really no difference between the effects of these two scenarios?

Nope. Facebook doesn’t let you know why someone’s not your friend anymore.

I’ve had a few Facebook-friends disappear for a few months and then suddenly pop back, for similar reasons as you describe, without any notice.

I’m curious – why would you have to suspend your account? Couldn’t you just not log on to Facebook while you’re cramming?

Just update your status and let everyone know you will be gone for X amount of time.

That’s kind of like suggesting he “just” doesn’t log on to the Dope. Not gunna happen. :stuck_out_tongue:


Of course not. 90% of the time, if you delete someone specifically, you don’t want them to know you’ve blocked them, so it looks like you’re not on the site at all.