Faith Hill and Tim McGraw don't introduce each other?

This may be the stupidest question ever, but it bothers me. I was at the Tim McGraw concert this weekend and, as per usual, Faith Hill came onstage and sang a song with Tim McGraw. He didn’t announce her before hand (she just walked out on stage and the spotlight hit her just before she began singing), and when their song ended, he gestured to her and said, “My wife.”

I’ve been to one other Tim McGraw concert, and it was much the same. He never referred to Faith by name, simply introduced her and thanked her as “my wife.”

This, of course, leads to rampant speculation. Does she do the same thing at her concerts – i.e., have Tim come out and just refer to him as “my husband”? Why? Is there some contractual reason (different labels?) that requires them to do this?

I know. With all the other things going on in the world, this is what I’m spending my brain cells on. Help me!

I have no answer, but how was the concert? One of our clients won tickets on the radio (I heard them call her name, she had 9 min to call, I called her, she called them, she got tickets :))

You’re a good person to call her!

The concert was fine; I was in the nosebleed seats, and the acoustics at the back of the Bowl suck. We couldn’t even hear the opening opening act (I understand she was missable, but still!). Los Lonely Boys opened for Tim, and they were great, but clearly not for that crowd. But I hadn’t heard them before, and I might need to go get an album. They put on a great show, and had some good tunes.

Tim and Faith sang “Angry all the Time,” with just Tim on the guitar. Since that’s one of my favorite songs, I was very happy. He did a nice mix of old and new, and really kept things going (lots of singing, very little pointless talking). They finally had to pull him off at 11, when the Bowl is required to shut down. The only disappointment was the sound quality, and the sound was best for Tim than for the other acts, so overall it was good. Plus I was in good company (I brought my dad), and he gets such joy out of things like this that it makes it even better.

I always find myself a bit disappointed by the audio quality at outdoor venues. Over the summer, I saw Toby Keith out in Devore. Toby sounded ok (although, sometimes the guitar sounded. . . funny due to the sound), but his opening act (Lee Ann Womack) sounded terrible. That sound system did no good for her voice.

Who was the opening act at the Tim concert? I think it’s funny that he paired up with Los Lonely Boys, I wouldn’t have made that match. Nice though

The sound system was so bad we couldn’t hear the name of the girl who played first. All I can tell you is that she was blond, late thirties, played some folk-y type music and was generally depressing.

I actually liked Devore, the one whole time I was there. I thought the sound was great. But we had good seats (compared to our Bowl seats), so it’s an apples to onions comparison.

We were in about the 6th row in Devore, but there were all kinds of sound issues (too loud, screechy, among other things).

Speaking of Devore- who the heck came up with their parking lot? One exit? 10,000 cars? That can’t end bad! (Unless you paid for the fancy schmancy Premier Parking).

Now I’m searching all over and trying to figure out who the hell opened for Tim! :slight_smile:

I doubt he’s forbidden from using her name, it’s probably just a gooey, affectionate thing… Gushing proudly, and boasting “That’s my wife, folks!”

And how many people at a Tim McGraw concert don’t know that his wife’s name is Faith Hill? Probably very few, I think.

My WAG would be that she is downplaying her stardom by being introduced as his wife. She’s at his concert as his wife to support him, not as a big star in her own right. Of course, it’s all semantics – as TellMeI’mNotCrazy says, ever single person at the concert knows she’s a big star, whether she uses her name or not. And, although I’ve never been to a Faith Hill concert, I’d guess she introduces him similarly and for the same reason.

Another WAG – they can play this humble game becasue they are both really big stars. If one of them was a lesser light, then I’d bet the ‘bigger’ one would use the name in introductions – “What a treat, folks! Here’s my talented and beautiful wife, Newbie Nobody!!!”