Famous People You Despise

Wow, this OP is cathartic. Rock on, folks…

There are a lot of folks I classify as moronic nonentities, famous for being famous. I’d rather undergo surgery with a stone trepanning chisel than watch them. These are the Tori Spellings (and categorical bimbos du jour); the male counterparts, young and old (Kevin Kostner, etc.) and the cookie-cutter politicians (Gore, Shrub, etc.)

I reserve active loathing for people who have had every chance in the world to do good but chose cheap opportunism instead. I don’t even mean the ones who got so swallowed up in their fame they believed the hype: Barbra Streisand, Charleton Heston, Kathie Lee Surcrose, Oprah, etc.

My despised list:

  • Martha Stewart
  • all televangelists, every self-damned one of 'em
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Jane Fonda
  • Laura Schlessinger
  • Oliver North
  • Warren Beatty

Okay, enough for now.


I pride myself on not watching TV much – too much crap! So I thought I’d just give you people a list of TV personalities that are my prime “turn this crap off” facilitators.
But when I saw how big the list was, I realized that I WATCH WAY TOO MUCH TV! What else would explain the length of my list…

(1) Pretty much ALL of the people mentionned in the previous posts.

In addition, or in support of a previous post:

(2) Andy Roooney, coz of his grating curmodgeonous attitude.

(3) The Guy with the Butterfly Tie. Movie reviewer, CNN. Pseudo-tuff-reporter and sycophant, 24 hrs/day.

(4) Baa-baah Waah-ters. Her speech impediment is nothing compared to her cognitive impairment.

(5) Opera Wimpy. Merits a separate thread.

(6) The model du jour. The ones that put on these poses that suggest, I dunno, sex-starved scarecrows?

I could go on, but I’ll leave the floor to others…

I’m going to hell for it, but…that little girl in the Pepsi commercials. I know she’s just a kid, and she’s just doing what people tell her to do, but I still cringe every time I see her.

I would like to slap the everloving piss out of Rosie O’Donnell.

Do I even need to mention Dr. Laura?

Did anyone see that commerical with Tori Spelling this week? She said something like, “I can’t even describe what it’s been like working on ‘90210’. OK, I’ll try–it’s like my family. Of course, that’s mostly because my daddy’s the executive producer, and most of the other executives make me call them ‘Daddy’ when I’m doing them under the table.”

Dr. J

I think the Pepsi girl is cute, but that Welch’s grape juice girl - now she terrifies me. I found a random website that was like, “Don’t look directly into the Welch’s Grape Juice girl’s eyes! Don’t do it!” Whenever those commercials come on, I change the damn channel.

Tori Spelling - I saw her on Leno the other day. I am not exaggerating, the girl has the personality of a dishcloth. I actually felt bad for Jay Leno (I was waiting for Conan to come on, though that is NO excuse!)

Right on about Christina A. - she is scary too. She may be able to sing, but the Mariah Carey histrionics turn me off completely. Not to mention the fact that she is a bubblehead who gives all 19yo’s (present company included) a bad name.

Whoa…my mom was right about releasing pent-up anger! :slight_smile:

You had to remind me of the Welch’s Grape Juice Girl. While the Pepsi girl is annoying, the WGJG is the spawn of Satan.

Mariah Carey would probably go on my list as well. I always wondered why she never did concert tours, and a recent review of her show answered my question–because she has the stage presence of a concrete block and can’t perform to save her own ass. Ah, for the days when musicians honed their craft in bars.

Lou Bega and his song really annoy me, but I have to hand it to the man–at least he realizes that his fame clock is sitting at about 14:45. That’s why he’s sold the song to approximately 378 different commercials–so he might still have some money left when VH-1’s “Where Are They Now” comes around.

Dr. J

MagicalSilverKey wrote:

Alex Krycek?! I LOVE Krycek. And besides, he’s just never on the show enough to become really bothersome. Plus, he speaks fluent Russian and looks damned good in black.
I agree that Derek Jeter is supremely annoying.
Another baseball guy whom I can’t stand is Ivan Rodriguez.

Dr. Laura is just plain evil. Her condemnation of autistic kids was cruel and sick. She compared having an autistic family member to having an unrepentant alcoholic in the family, and told the mom it was her duty as a mother to institutionalize the kid.

Thomas Kinkade is a horribly tiresome “artist” who paints those nasty pictures of quaint little cottages with thatch roofs and lights in the windows. His work is uninspired treacle, pumped out for the sole reason of raking in the cash. His paintings are everywhere–on cheques, calendars, t-shirts, tea sets, you name it. I’m convinced that his target market is middle-class suburban housewives who hang the paintings in their split-level homes above their peach-coloured sofas, between the paint-by-number kitten on velvet and the Ann Geddes “Babies with/in some sort of gardening implement” photograph. The coffee table is glass, and has ceramic puppies and clown figurines on it, along with a “Martha Stewart Living” magazine.

Yes, I’m a bitter and jealous member of the proletariat. But Thomas Kinkade paintings are absolute trash. What other important, meaningful artist has had his/her own chain of mall stores? With a damn fake fireplace yet!

My 2 cents:

  1. George Will - the very essense of a pompous twit
  2. ESPN’s Chris Berman, Mel Kiper Jr. & Dick Vitale - 3 guys with nothing to say but who never shut the hell up.
  3. Al Gore - his every single act and word is utterly preprogrammed, and I’m a Democrat.
  4. Michael Jordan. Go away already.
  5. Craig Kilborn, the guy with the show on after Letterman’s.

So many to choose from…
Lets see, Gilbert Gottfried
Michael jackson
Nancy Reagan
Kathie Gifford
Jay Leno
Jennifer Aniston
Jan Crouch(dont look)
Rosie ODonnell

forgot Howard Stern
Larry King
Pat Robertson(and does ANyone disagree?)

Oh my goodness, that was such an apt description. My mom had some sort of Thomas Kincade screensaver installed on my computer because a friend sent her the program and said it was cute…I turned on my computer and I saw some rinky-dinky-isn’t it cute-make me barf-lakesde cottae, and if that isn’t bad enough…


Yes, about 25 TK pics with correspsonding Bible quotes. I nearly vomited.

Needless to say, it was deleted very quickly! Ewww.

You have a problem with one of the most creative people of all time? That’s ok, even a devoted Beatles fan like myself sometimes gets a little annoyed by him. =)

I don’t agree with all of these posts. I don’t have anything against Leno, or Jim Carrey…other than that I do agree with everybody.

Ooops, I forgot.
Judge Judy ROCKS! HOw could you not love her?

You don’t understand the hype behind Carlos Santana? Uh…could it be because he is one of the great guitar players of all time? It’s a lil annoying now that everybody jumped on the Santana band wagon, but I have been a fan of his and respected his music all of my life. Have you watched him perform live? The music just flows out of him like magic.

“Despise” is too strong a term, especially for people I know only through their, ahem, cough, snort, “work.”

I like Leo, Keanu, Kevin – cuz I’ve enjoyed their movies, for the most part. Don’t know anything about their off-screen personalities.

Rosie seems to be taking herself a bit too seriously, and Whoopi is an okay actress but hasn’t ever been ad lib funny.

[Minor hijack]
Someone mentioned Stephen King, but didn’t say why he made the list. I suspect it might be due to the spectacular financial success of someone perceived as a hack writer. But in that case, wouldn’t Danielle Steele, Tom Clancy, Nicholas Sparks, John Grisham, Jackie Collins and the “Bridges of Madison County” guy also make the list?

I don’t “know” SK, but from his books, and TV and magazine interviews, he seems like a decent guy with a good sense of humor, not a huge ego, family man, etc.

I suspect he might have preferred selling fewer books – when you write in the horror/fantasy field, it’s better for your literary ego to be a cult figure, I think.
Cuz as soon as you start to sell in the mainstream, the critics will kill you. Then you start to write for the critics and reviewers, and end up pleasing no one.

[end hijack]

On that job I told y’all about, where I was dismissed after one day, I had to work at a desk which had a computer with that screensaver. I didn’t have to use the computer, so I turned the monitor off. But I couldn’t resist the urge, once I realized that the pictures were changing at intervals, to see how many variations there were.


sigh One of the coolest threads and not nearly enough posts have been dedicated to Leonardo DiCaprio.

I was one of the few people in the world to cheer during Titanic. In fact, I went and saw it again just for that seen. And in Romeo and Juliet … I think Baz Luhrmann needed to rewrite Shakespeare and have Romeo die of some horrible putrescent plague.

Vandal mentioned earlier Hillary and stupid bitch syndrome staying with el Presidente. It’s not stupid bitch syndrome, it’s just a fact of life that all women are attracted to bastards.

SHIRLEY UJEST: Ok … we are now at war. How dare you put Buffy and the scoobygang on this list :slight_smile:

Never attribute to malice what can be
satisfactorily explained by stupidity


Rosie - She’s a bitch, pure and simple.
Hanoi Jane - She should have been shot for what she did.
The Klintons - There is a reason why Presidental Guard Duty is now practically a punishment detail in the secret service.
Howard Stern - He used to be funny, but is to selfimportant now.
Martha Stewart - She should be stuffed and arranged in a nice manner in the middle of her house…right before it is demolished.

That’s another thing! The guy uses his religion to sell his paintings. Every Christian bookstore I’ve been in has large amounts of Thomas Kinkade trinkets and paintings. Christians buy them because they think they must be spiritual. But what does a stupid little cottage with lighted windows have to do with CHRISTIANITY?! The guy is a nauseating manipulative opportunist.

Billie Piper.

She’s known as Britain’s answer to Britney Spears, and if that doesn’t set off enough alarm bells, she’s far far worse. Her lyrics make Britney’s look like John Lennon’s (and yes, I know in both cases the lyrics are actually written by 45-year-old men with beards and ponytails), she can’t sing, she can’t dance and she’s f**king EVERYWHERE these days. And since we’re not in the Pit I better leave it at that.

Just consider yourselves warned.

Did you see where Mariah Carey had a spaz attack at some awards show or something, because Michael Jackson got a flashier entrance than she did? News flash: Everything that waxes must also wane.

So many despisable famous people…so little time.

I agree with most of the people mentioned above. (Except for Carlos Santana. WTF are you thinking, MSK?)

My personal favorite famous person to despise is Diana Ross. Get over yourself, lady! You may think that you’re a superdee-dooper huge star and that the Red Sea is supposed to part at your feet, but guess what? You’re a has-been. You have been a has-been for years! When was your last hit? So you play Vegas? So what? That puts you right up there with Wayne Newton. You have become one of those people who is famous for being famous, and there is nothing more lame than a washed-up old star desperately trying to hold on to the last shred of her celebrity. And all that plastic surgery doesn’t help. You don’t look young. You look like and old lady who is trying real hard to look young. Yeah, and we know that that isn’t your real hair.

Disclaimer: I love the songs. I just despise the singer.