Fantasy Baseball 2010

Yahoo opened up their leagues yesterday, and there are some major developments. Namely, they implemented auction leagues. They also gave the commish the power to pause live drafts up to five times to get everyone on the same page/slow it down. The commish can also cancel a draft pick. That starts getting into a gray area, and I see a bunch of potential for abuse/hard feelings on draft day if it’s not used carefully.

Anyway, the Super Bowl’s over, we’re less than 10 days from pitchers and catchers reporting, fantasy leagues are up - it’s time to start thinking baseball!

And free live scoring this year too.

Awesome! Anyone want to post your top 12?

  1. Pujols
  2. Hanley
  3. Utley
  4. A-Rod
  5. Braun
  6. Teixeira
  7. Cabrera
  8. Kemp
  9. Fielder
  10. Howard
  11. Longoria
  12. Wright

I’m in! Last year was a bad year for the Whiners. I’m hoping to do better this year, though I don’t have high hopes.

I had a bad year last year as well. Buying a new house took a lot of attention away from my priorities, and the crazy ex-girlfriend is gone as well. It’s going to be a good year for team No Pepper Games/Serenity Now!/KC Monarchs.

I’m game for another go as the Redbirds. Can’t wait!

I’m still around, I can restart the long-term SDMB league when/if people want. I’ve already gotten one email reminder (was that you, Tazmanian Devil?).

My access to Yahoo Fantasy Sports is limited, it’s blocked at work and I only have dialup access at home for now, so I may not be the best candidate to commish the league. I believe I can turn it over to someone else after I start the league if I remember correctly.


  1. Ramirez
  2. Pujols
  3. Braun
  4. Utley
  5. Rodriguez
  6. Mauer
  7. Crawford
  8. Lincecum
  9. Fielder
  10. Kemp
  11. Wright
  12. Cabrera

You can. If you remember, I did it with the Melting Pot for three weeks in 2008 when I had my baby. Who, as it happens, is the primary reason why my teams sucked last year. (Not that they don’t always suck in the Melting Pot…)

The real question is have they changed the capacity per league such that my dreams of a field of 64 can be made reality.

Ah, the most wonderful time of the year. I do believe I have some titles to defend…

Just to get the ol sleeper motor running. I’ll do it ESPN style using MockDraftCentral’s current ADP.

Post-All Star Break Splits

Player A: .300 AVG/.831 OPS/7 HR/16 SB
Player B: .306 AVG/.796 OPS/3 HR/30 SB
Player C: .325 AVG/.823 OPS/1 HR/30 SB
Carl Crawford (16 ADP)
Jacoby Ellsbury (18 ADP)
Rajai Davis (167 ADP) – got every-day playing time when the A’s traded Matt Holliday two weeks after the All Star Break. I never overpay for speed anyway, but Rajai is someone to target later.

Has anyone tried the new MLB/Bloomberg tools? I’m considering changing my draft prep strategy and wondered if that would be more helpful than my usual Prospectus/Excel worksheets.

Hadn’t even heard of it. It looks flashy, but I’ll stick with Prospectus/Excel.

So - Big SDMB League players. What’s the interest in converting it to an auction?

I vote no. Add a new Auction league if you want but lets leave the long running SDMB league as is.


Another vote for this.

I’m with them.

No changes!

New strategy this year: I’m actually preparing instead of just winging it. We officially have a league page yet?

We don’t even have a commish yet. I don’t get work access, and I’ve not really enjoyed being commish of the large league in the past. Anyone else up for it?

But I definitely will start up an auction league. I’ll set it up this weekend. Who’s interested? I’d like to extend it to the vets first. We’ll cap it at 12 teams.