farmers dump 43 million gallons of milk......[edited title]

don’t know if this counts as a food story…MSN

I always thought the usda free food programs took the excess

In the grand scheme of things, what’s the big deal about 43 gallons of milk? Or is the story that someone cried as a result?

There’s a missing 6 orders of magnitude that make this story slightly more relevant.

Yeah, I think the title should be changed to “43 million”.

I remember back in the day when it was quite common for milk to be dumped because the price was too low to make it worth the price it cost to send to market. Back when there was “govt. cheese”. Which made the best grilled cheese sandwiches ever!

Even then I thought it was sickening but realized farmers have to be paid.

We had a “gummint cheese” thread here several months back. The consensus was: you’re 100% correct–superb cheez.

They do buy some of it, as mentioned in the very article you linked to.

But there’s only so much government cheese you can give away. The farmers over-produced, now there’s a glut. Not much you can do about that except try to be more careful in the future about your demand forecasts.

ok I asked for a title change heh I didn’t even see that until now …

I love moo-juice–Heck, 43 gallons is my average daily intake. :wink:

I edited the title to 43 million gallons

Welp, now I look like an idiot.

I feel like it would have been a more useful metric to say something like, “Enough milk to cover 30 million families for one week”, rather than using the number of Olympic sized swimming pools that could be filled.

of course all the anti dairy people filled the comments under the article …

When did that start ? I know some people always been that way concerning how they treat the cows but saying milk and sugar are 2 of the biggest poisions around ?

Yup, dairy, sugar and gluten are the “in” things to avoid right now. :rolleyes: Even if you’re not lactose intolerant, celiac or diabetic. Apparently they’re all poison. No, I don’t get it either.

These people are clearly loony. That’s why my diet consists solely of ice cream cones now.

If milk and sugar are poison, I’ve been dying a slow, lingering death for years.

Oh yeah, NOW you look like an idiot…:stuck_out_tongue:

Haven’t we all?

except for those that died quick, I suppose

Well, since I am both diabetic and lactose intolerant, I don’t mind if it’s fashionable to avoid those things these days. Hey, I was fashionable before it was fashionable! :slight_smile:

However, back to the OP, if farmers are dumping that much milk it seems just possible that there are more dairy farmers than the market can support.
Just a thought.

In other news, 43 million kittens shave their heads in mourning.

My uncle bought all his young calves from a local dairy. He bottle raised them on formula and eventually fattened them up on grain and hay. He took the steers to auction when they were almost a year old. He always sent one steer to the meat packer for the family freezer too. :smiley:

Dairies don’t have to sell calves. They can predict when market demand for milk will be down. The dairy can keep them and let the calf nurse from mom. Eventually sell the year old steers at auction. Selling beef is an extra revenue source.