Farting In Public (Outside)

Today D went for a checkup, and I went along.

As it always takes at least an hour total, I made sure she got upstairs okay and then went out for a walk around the building.

You know that when you jog or walk, you sometimes get these little fartlets?Well, I did and hell, I didn’t think anything about it, I was outside and they were short ones: brrp…brrp…brrp…brrp.:slight_smile:

I guess I wasn’t paying attention but I had passed the door into the building, and I heard giggling behind me, and I knew I’d been busted, so I sped up, just a little embarrased.

Apparently some nurses had just exited the building for lunch just as I was passing by on my gas-powered legs.

Well, I mean shit, right? They were nurses! They must have heard farts before (and probably smelled worse, too!).

Ever do that?:slight_smile:



Farting alone in my office is guaranteed to cause one of our adminstrative assistances to come in to discuss something at length with me.

I eat a lot of vegetables and beans so…yeah, I fart in public outside sometimes. Doesn’t everyone? According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse:

And, I know those fartlets! They’re amusing. Although I’d think nurses would be a bit more blase about them.


I love it!



And, I know those fartlets! They’re amusing. Although I’d think nurses would be a bit more blase about them.[/QUOTE]

C’mon! Farts are FUNNY! (Yes, I have the sense of humor of a nine-year-old boy, sorry.)

But we all do it, and we all get busted on it at some point.

< Frankly, I’m still kinda giggling at Quasimodem’s story.)

I think what may have made it funnier, was me swinging my arms way out, back and forth BrassyPhrase.:slight_smile:


As a teacher, I spend about 90% of my workday surrounded by teenagers. So I hold my farts in a lot. Sometimes between classes I duck in to the faculty restroom just to pass gas.

So sometimes they go off inside, don’t they?:wink:

Somebody farted during my SAT, and the test admin was kind enough to stop the clock for us till we all settled down.:slight_smile:


I work in a library; I’ve ducked out to the bathroom to fart, but have also escaped to the stacks if I know they’re not likely to be loud farts. When I worked in a public library, I’d fart regardless of the situation while shelving in a quiet area of the stacks. :wink:

I work at a place where loud indoor farts are tolerated as long as we announce them ahead of time. Unanounced indoor farts are fair grounds for others to punch the offender. It’s a perk and a drawback, depending if you’re the one who smelt it or dealt it.

LOLOL! For the non-US members the SAT is the Scholastic Aptitude Test that determines for high school [age 14-18 or so old students] if you are …coherent enough, I guess, to attend college. It is a very very hardcore serious big deal, and several people (myself included) would take it many years in advance, for PRACTICE! It is very, very, very strictly regulated. And very very challenging.

The fact that someone would pause it for a fart is EPIC!!!

Isn’t that one of the tips in The One Minute Manager?

(or was that Who Moved my Cheese? There’s definitely a cheese joke in there)

My grandma farts so much while she walks that we’re pretty sure she’s gas-propelled! She claims it’s her medication’s fault, but we know it’s because she’s just so full of hot air that she can’t possibly talk enough to get it all out and it needs an alternate escape route. :smiley:

Fart on, Quasi!