I thought the first episode was horrible. Utterly forgettable, nothing but an introduction to characters. Last night was the first attempt to actually tell a story, and let loose with a few good jokes. And there were plenty of them.
First episode: D
Second episode: B
Can’t wait to see if this show can actually make me think “A”
Count me as another viewer who thought S&R were hilarious. They’re like an old married couple, sniping at each other but always making up in the end.
“Even when we fight, we make magic!”
“Bring it, Cat-Man Don’t!”
“What did we decide–doom or no doom?”
“You’re Mutt Lauer–you bring me the news.”
“–and the Egyptian queen, Nefertiti–”
“Stop! …Did you just say ‘titi’?”
“Licorice whip?”
“Oh yes, that would be lovely.”
Far as I’m concerned, future episodes should focus more on these two and less on the animals. So far Larry and family aren’t doing much for me. I did like the tigers, though.
what was the woman’s follow-up joke to the “dentist zipping up” joke?
and what kind of animal are the lesbian girls? (and I totally could not believe it when they started making out! Imagine a lot of parents trying to explain this to the kids G)
I also think S&R are the highlight of the show. They are just so bizarre.
The really weird thing is the S&R are executive producers of the show, so they must be happy to be portrayed as a couple of strangle, almost-alien, goofballs.
“You’re Matt Lauer. You bring me the news” was funny.
But the fight with the bamboo seem stupid. And there were like 10 jokes about Matt Lauer just interrupting people. That’s it? He interrupts people? THAT’S the running gag?
Couple of things I notice on the second run through – that brilliant bit of cartoon logic when S&R are explaining the trick where Roy is in two places at the same time and that when Sarmudi comes in the door to chew out Larry, there’s a photo right by the door of him coming in the door.
The “Mutt Lauer” thing was funny precisely because it’s such an absurd thing to hold a grudge over.
Whew! Glad I found this thread. I saw this show for the first time today and I thought that parts of it were hilarious. I was afraid I was going insane - an NBC animated series that doesn’t suck? So I came for a reality check and lo! Other enlightened folks find it funny as well!
S&R definitely the funniest parts, but wouldn’t be as funny in longer doses. Family life with the lions needs work, but for the first season and first few shows… not bad at all. This episode they did a pretty good job portraying lions on weed. And the anti-drug elephant cracked me up.
I liked it when the one guy pulled his shirt up and goes, “I stole a six pack.”
Looks like I have a new joke for the wife every time I come back from the store for the next 8 months. It’s funnier if you’re chubby.
I was slightly distracted because the show was basically 15 minutes of commercials for 7-11. “Do I want a Slurpee, or a Big Gulp? I need a hot dog with that.”
I caught the first half of last night’s show, which was the first I saw. I was surprised by what I saw; it isn’t the most clever thing on TV or even the funniest, but it was okay. The surreality of the animals having this whole community with raves and multiple schools and all of that was entertaining, and I always dig fish out of water tales so Seigfried & Roy Visit 7-11 made me giggle.
The problem was that I didn’t see it all; can someone tell me what happened with Roy running the 7-11 and what happened with Sierra’s interview with the Gifted & Talented lady?