Ross showing off his keyboarding skills. Pulling out the “helicopter sounds” and “laser sounds” mixed with “dogs barking”.
Ross showing off his keyboarding skills. Pulling out the “helicopter sounds” and “laser sounds” mixed with “dogs barking”.
The prom video episode ranks among my favorites, along with the debate of who came on to who the night Rachel got pregnant.
I don’t know what my favorite episode is, but the scene I laughed at the most was the one where Joey’s foreskin fell off.
The “Gellarbowl” episode. Perfect in every way.
I loved the episode when Joey finds out about Chandler and Monica.
“Were you or were you not on a gay cruise???”
Definitely one of these;
The 2 part episode where everybodies life is different (Ross still married, Monica still fat, Joey is successful etc.)
The episode where Ross fantasises about Rachel dressed up as Princess Leia
This show really has had some stellar eps., huh? I don’t know if I can pick a single favorite, but standouts include the episode about who seduced whom when Rachel got pregnant and the Chandler-Phoebe seduction episode. “I’m very excited.” “You should be. I’m very bendy.”
The one with the trivia contest that ends with them switching apartments. That one’s hilarious from start to finish.
Definately one of my favorites! Also, The One Where No One’s Ready (where Ross is trying to get everyone ready for an important event) and The One With Ross’s Sandwich (where Joey has to keep covering for Chandler and Monica).
Jon Lovitz appeared in one show as the owner of a restaurant who was going to “audition” Monica to be his chef. She was cooking a huge variety of wonderful stuff in her apartment. Jon got stoned on the way over, though, and he had the munchies so bad that he couldn’t wait for any of the food to get done. He broke into a box of taco shells, and gummy bears, and Cheerios- at one point one of the gummy bears fell into some container of liquid, and he threw it a Cheerio so it wouldn’t drown. I laugh my ass off everytime I see that one.
The One With The Tea Leaves had me laughing my butt off, and I don’t usually find the show all that funny.
Jim: I write erotic novels… for children.
Phoebe: What?!
Jim: They’re wildly unpopular.
Mr. Zelner: If I in any way implied that I wanted to buy your baby…I am sorry. Okay? Last week when I asked you when your due date was uh, I certainly did not mean that I felt that I was due your baby. Yeah, I want to be very clear that I understand that its your baby, and it is not mine to purchase.
Funniest - the one where Joey dates a fan played by [some famous model], the end scene where everyone turns on the soap actor voices is sublime - ‘No, he’s Drake’s evil twin’
But I always like watching ‘The One with all the Rugby’ just to get a feeling of smug superiority :p.
I agree the trivia contest episode it one of the best. (Just say “transponster” and I’ll crack up.)
Ross and the leather pants.
The one where that lice-infested monkey slaughters every last smug one of them and feasts on their sweet, sweet flesh. Or was that just a beautiful dream?
I love the one where Phoebe decides to carry a baby for her brother (Giovann Ribisi) and his wife.
When she tells her brother the good news, he screams “Yeeaaaa! my sister’s gonna have my baaaby!” Cracks me up.
Brooke Shields.
Trivia episode and the one with the prom video.
“No, it’s Mrs. Chanandler Bong.”
“Q: What does Monica say is her favorite movie?”
“A: Chariots of Fire”
“Q: What is it really?”
“A: Weekend at Bernies II”.
Love that episode.
No, that’s Rachel, and she claims her favorite movie is Dangerous Liasons.
Oh, jeez, now I know I watch that show too much.