What are your favorite choral pieces written for and performed in movies?
I’ve always loved Ennio Morricone’s title music and voice parts for Navajo Joe as well as quite a lot of the choral work of Zbigniew Preisner, particularly in The Double Life of Veronique.
So what are the standouts of original* choral movie music for you?
*Note that by original, it means no Carmina Burana/Mozart’s Requiem/Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, etc.
Duel of the Fates, the music from the Darth Maul vs. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan duel from The Phantom Menace, by John Williams, is both an obvious answer and a good answer.
The title made me think of the jazzy thing that’s vocalized by a small vocal group in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid as they call on New York and head to Bolivia. Nice stuff.
Theme of the Ringwraiths in LOTR soundtrack. Is there something special about their appearance in the FOTR that led their appearance to be correlated with the choral piece in that movie but not in others?
I’m specifically thinking about the buildup, when the rest of the theme is playing when you are looking at the sickly-green gates of Minas Morgul, then the Ringwraiths bust out and then … nothing. :mad: (I could be conflating scenes here, but there are scenes in the 2nd and 3rd movies that are like that :mad:.)
Perhaps they didn’t have the funds to hire the a chorus for the soundtrack? That can’t be it…gaaaah!
But yeah, that’s the best original choral movie music. There’s craploads of stuff that sounds like it, but nothing touches it except Conan, and even that is slightly too much of a ripoff of Carmina Burana to make it better than FOTR IMO, even though its use in the context of The Orgy is appropriate. (i.e. indulgence.)
:smack: I love this piece but haven’t heard it in ages so it escaped my memory. I own the DVD but not the CD (which, thanks to your post, has been rectified by my Amazon purchase moments ago).