favorite oxymoron

metal wood

omniscient…no, I’m thinking of a word as ‘specialised/educated’ as oxymoron. I used it as a mnemonic, as in:

‘A (blank) is a contradictory oxymoron.’

I tried my thesauras - no luck. How else do you find these words…ask the SDMB, of course!

smart ass

Glee - I’ve always called those internal redundancies:

very active two-year old is my personal favorite of those.

Sue from El Paso


  • ‘contradictory oxymoron’ is a tautology

  • ‘non-repetitive tautology’ is an oxymoron

loving husband.

plastic silverware

“jumbo shrimp” is not an oxymoron:

“Jumbo” = large
“shrimp” = shellfish

Nothing contradictory about that.

radar ralf’s “spoonerisms” reminded me of:

What’s the difference between the “Rockettes” and a 3-ring circus?

One of them is a cunning array of stunts!


What’s the difference between a rooster and a lawyer?

One of them clucks defiance!

shiner bock, Member, posted 08-18-1999 07:36 PM

SB: you must’ve missed the show when Johnny asked Ed who is favourite guest host is. Ed answered, “Johnny Carson.”

One I heard last night at the end of a History Channel special about the '70s…

'70’s chic. BWAAAAAhahahahaha!

(For aircraft)

Near miss

ebeth, Shirley Ujest- I think you’re thinking of redundancies, not oxymorons.

Giligan- actually, a replica made by the same person as the original is authentic; one made by someone else is inauthentic.

kellibelli- isn’t that kind of a mean thing to say?

glee- “redundancy” and “tautology” aren’t quite the same thing. A tautology is statement that states an obviously true fact, e.g. “Everyone that owns a red car owns at least one car.”, “The fittest members of a species tend to reproduce more than the others.” (creationist argue that evolution is flawed because it’s based upon a tautology. In other words, it’s obviously wrong because it’s based upon an obviously true statement. ???) “contradictory oxymoron” is not a tautology because it’s not a statement. “Oxymorons are contradictory.” would be a tautology.

" ‘Ideas on Earth were badges of friendship or enmity. Their content did not matter.’ " -Kurt Vonnegut, * Breakfast of Champions *

The Ryan,

A fine distinction there!

Of course, I’m looking for a mnemonic using ‘tautology’ and ‘oxymoron’. How about:

a necessarily false tautology is an oxymoron

Would a ‘necessarily true tautological statement’ be a tautology?

OK, how about an altruistic shellfish?

a green (=unripe) orange?

the late General Early?

a despicable noble?

a depressed gay? (while we’re at it, how about a male Lesbian – entirely possible; The island of Lesbos must have inhabitants of both sexes)

In Canada there is a party called

Progressive Conservatives

How about

Military Intelligence


That guy was really dead