Looks like I’m going to be doing a lot of traveling over the next few months. Podcasts are always a great way to pass the time. I was wondering if the Teeming Millions had some suggestions for their favorite individual episodes of a podcast. Humorous would be preferred (traveling due to family issues) but any great individual episode would be appreciated. Thanks!
Pick up just about any Comedy Bang Bang with Paul F. Tompkins in it. There are several with him & Gillian Jacobs that are good.
some previous threads
Good history podcasts
Another “Recommend me a Podcast” Thread
tips for finding a good podcast
Need podcast recs!
Hmm. When it comes to individual episodes, the only podcast I’ve actually went back and listened to episodes more than once is Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. It’s not humor–it’s history, duh. A couple of specific standouts would be History Under the Influence and Logical Insanity; if we stretch the definition of “individual episodes” to include “audiobook length multi-episode series”, Ghosts of the Ostfront is superb. Death Throes of the Republic is another that comes immediately to mind. His current series, on the First World War, Blueprint for Armageddon, has also been excellent, though it’s not finished yet. ETA: Most of these are probably off his podcast feed by now, so you’d need to pony up a few bucks for each individual episode on iTunes.
Also not exactly humor, but often laugh-out-loud funny, would be the QI Elves’ podcast, No Such Thing as a Fish. They basically go 'round the table, sharing interesting facts that they’ve happened onto in their research and bantering around with them. No specific episode comes to mind; they’re of pretty consistent quality.