It’s beena long time since I’ve seen the movie…I wasn’t one to have as many posters of scarface on my walls when I was a teenager…in the 80’s, but my brother is a huge fan and his 36 b-day is coming up and I bought him the digitally remastered DVD of scarface and I want to remember some quotes…so who knows some really notable quotes?
Just watched the DVD last weekend, and ever since, “Look at dem pelicangs fly!” has been echoing in my brain. That and, of course, “Manolo! ‘Choot that piece o’ chit!”
I just watched this again the other night. I laughed out loud at this part:
Tony and his wife just got in a huge yelling fight at a nice restaurant. She walks out and he is left sitting there alone. All the other restaurant patrons are quiet and staring at him. Tony, still sitting at the table, looks around and says,
“The World is Yours.” It’s not a quote. It’s on the globe when he dies and falls into the fountain. Whenever I come across an over-reacher character, I always repeat that line.
Not that this has anything to do with the Pacino movie, but L’HAINE (THE HATE) my Kassovitz has a play on “The World Is Yours.” Well, a pastiche, but you should see the movie all the same.
“I ran out of bullets, like an asshole.”
“$500 a bottle, for a bunch of fu¢kin’ grapes!”
“I told him he was fu¢kin’ up.” “No, Mel, YOU fu¢ked up!”
“Hey, Ernie, you got a job!”
“Is this what life is all about? Eating. . . drinking. . . fahhhhhhhking?”
And to flesh out one that’s already been mentioned, Scarface to the bomber, played by busy bit character actor Mark Margolis, after he’s splattered the bomber’s brains all over the inside of the car:
“You stoooopid fu¢k! Loo’ a jou now! See wha’ happengs when jou don’ lissen?”
“I kill Communists for free. For a green card? I cut him up reeeeal nice.”
(And hey, no need to turn this into a “the-original-was-better” bash-fest; I enjoyed both versions very much. Both are very much of their time, in the best sense of the term.)
[Norma Desmond] “Cursing, cursing cursing . . . We didn’t need cursing, we had good dialogue! Those imbeciles—have they forgotten what a good gangster movie is like? I’ll show them—I’ll be up there again!” [/Norma Desmond]