Say hallo to my leetle friend!!!

Unless you’re randomly opening every thread, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Leebertadth!! Leebertadth!! Leebertadth!!

I’m the kind of guy that buys the DVD b/c I love the movie and want to see it at the best quality - I don’t much care about the extras.

Who put thees thing together? ME!!! Dat’s who!! ME!!!

But I gotta tell ya, there are some awesome extras on this DVD. The gansta rappers paying homage documentary is great.

D’only ting I hhave in dees world are my ballsssss and my word. I don’t break em for nobody. Joo understan?

There’s a couple deleted scenes that don’t add much but sure are fun to watch. There’s also some documentaries about Capone, and a small short about the “making of” this version.

Why don’ joo try steecking joo head up joo ass. See if eet feets. OK, Cara CicaTRIZ - joo can die too!!

But I never gave the movie itself enough credit before - this is a great movie.

Surely someone will come along denouncing the horrible violence, overacting, running time, weird music, etc, but put all that aside and you’ve got Pacino going way WAY over the top and somehow pulling it off, and DePalma compromising nothing.

If you liked the movie even a little, get the DVD.

So, uh, you’re not talking about the crazy orc warrior in the Warcraft II expansion?

[sub]Daniel slinks away, ashamed and bewildered[/sub]

Bad form.

Beg pardon? He said I’d know exactly what he was talking about; I was jokingly admitting to my ignorance. You got a problem with that?


(To clarify: a character in a game says this phrase; I always assumed it was from a movie, but didn’t know until now what movie it was from.)


“First you get the money…then you get the powah…THEN you get the women…”

Tony Montana (Al Pacino) “Scarface”

No, I was saying “bad form” to Dooku. I think it’s annoying when a poster looks to make an assumption that the reader knows what he’s talking about. Usually it’s accompanied with a secret desire that someone will ask, just so they can look smart by explaining it.*

*I am in no way suggesting that Dooku is doing that in this thread.

?? Munch - if I had said in the title “you know what I’m talking about” then yes, bad form.

But why open this thread if you don’t understand the title? I certainly don’t open threads I don’t understand and start asking what everyone’s talking about.

Honestly, I have no “secret desire” to get to explain what I’m talking about - if you opened the thread, you know. Sheesh.

The evolution of Tony’s political thought is often overlooked:

Early – “I’ll kill a communist for fun…for a green card, I’ll carve him up real nice.”

Later – “You know what capitalism is? Getting Fucked.”

Actually, no. I didn’t a few seconds ago and I still don’t.

I didn’t know what you were talking about. If not for another poster in this thread I still wouldn’t know what you are talking about.

I opened the thread because I’ve seen this quote referenced in a number of films and hoped to discover it’s origin.

I’m pretty sure it predates Scarface but I have no good information. It sounds like a line from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (whose “stinking badges” line is invariably mangled).

I opened the thread because one of the anchors on SportsCenter says this when he’s announcing a home run and I wanted to know what the origin of the phrase was.

Now I still don’t know exactly the origin of the phrase (OK, it’s in Scarface, but what does it mean and why would someone use it for a home run?) and I get insulted to boot.

Dooku, sometimes I open threads just so that I can understand a title. Sometimes I open threads because I think they’re about something other than the poster meant. Sometimes I may open a thread at random, just for the hell of it. I live on the edge that way.

Now, could you please explain what the hell your thread title means for those of us who want to know.

There is no way to know, if you on;y read the OP and have not seen what it is you are referring to, what the hell you’re talking about.

And I gotta say, it doesn’t make me want to see whatever it is you’re talking about either. It’s like you picked out the stupidest sounding (somewhat badly spelled/pronounced) quotes.

May I suggest you don’t take up Movie Reviewing as a job.


Scarface’s “little friend” is a chainsaw, which he uses to carve up a traitor who’s tied up over a shower drain.

I haven’t heard the phrase used on Sportscenter but it certainly jives with the accepted meaning of, “Joo see this? It’s all over for joo, my fron.”

ah, no. Actually he says it near the end when he rips out the big ass machine gun. Great DVD though. I haven’t watched the extras yet.

It’s at the end of the movie when Tony has a mound of blow on his desk (and on his nose - haha!) and a few dozen bad guys about to take him out in his house. The “big ass machine gun” is, if I recall correctly, an M-16 with a grenade launcher attachment. Or was it when he pulled the M-60 out?

Either way, it is a GREAT line (and GREAT movie)


Eerie. I was just thinking about this, it was on TV last night.

I could never bring myself to watch the chainsaw scene before. I watched it last night and was relieved to find that the worst of it is implied rather than seen (like Psycho) - lots of blood and a horrible look in the victim’s eyes as he realises what’s about to happen, but nothing more explicit than that.

…and I also noticed the rather large debt that Rock Star Games owe for the design of Vice City. The street scene outside the flat as the camera pans away from Mister Chainsaw is identical to the main beachside street on the east side of the game.

Aha, so on Sportscenter, the reference would be to the big bat that blows them all away, or something like that.

Still a pretty stupid catchphrase, but at least I get a glimpse of what it might mean now. Thanks.