favorite subject matter for study or research

I recently started working in a state university library and want to make the most of the employment. I decided to start making a list of “mini-studies”. Subjects, things, places, that I could research and study within the period of a day or so.

Was hoping to get some suggestions for interesting, facinating things.

I suppose the more specific the better… ie. Mating habits of a newt as opposed to The history of France.

Bubonic Plage


My favorite subject is Chinese food. How about a pocket history of Chinese cuisine?

First of all, please excuse my spelling on my first post. I should have been in bed about 3 hours ago and I’m tired.

Second - I forgot to add Caligula (an um…interesting guy) and mythology. I prefer Greek and Roman but I hear Norse is pretty good too.

Here’s something I’ve been wondering for years:

We assume that men always put out equal amounts of girl sperm and boy sperm. However, given that there are some families that have had, say, only girls for 150 years, I wonder if there haven’t been some studies done that have shown that some men make much more of one type of sperm than the other.

Alternately, sometimes you’ll see families of women who have had only one gender for a long time. Is it possible some women have something chemical going on that makes their body a more favorable environment for boy sperm vs. girl sperm (or vice versa)?

Now go look. :smiley:

I was going to say either fitness or psychology. But then I saw the “in one day” thing.

Well, one thing that’s fascinated me for quite a few years is the Salem Witch Trials. In particular the theory of the rye ergot causing hallucinations that were taken to be possession by demons etc.

If you webferret (far superior to google imnsho :D), you’ll find tons of sites. And at the library too.

Anyway, that’s one of my faves.

Very nice. I love cooking and could easily start research on every subset out there. didnt even think of that one.

A specific, favorite period in music. I’m partial to the late 60s, but there’s the new wave thing, the grunge thing, the folk thing, the Brittany thing. Find one you like and research it!