Favorite X-Box games

Lets skip Halo. Hopefully everyone with an X-box knows how good that one is already.

What other games do y’all really like. What might I like to buy next.

I am looking at one of the football games next or maybe EA’s Hockey game.

I’ve posted my favorites in several other recent threads. Do a search on “Xbox” subject only for the past month (Try IMO and Cafe) You should find threads with a lot of opinion on games.

Well, I was starting to enjoy Onimusha a lot until Final Fantasy X for the PS2 grabbed a hold and wouldn’t let go. I’m looking forward to more XBox games than I could say I really liked at this point. Much like the GC, too.

Halo truly is the only must-have so far. But there is beginning to be a surge of new games. The 'box won’t really start pounding the market with great games until it goes live. I really like Project Gotham, but I got bored with it before finishing it. But I am looking forward to Test Drive.