Favourite Python quotes?

It’s fun to charter an accountant
And sail the wide accountancy,
To find, explore the funds offshore
And skirt the shoals of bankruptcy!

Mr. Debakey’s free, but he’s a bit conciliatory.

I*could * be arguing in my spare time.

It’s the single most popular cheese in the world.
“Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o’clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah!”

But if you tell that to kids today, they don’t believe you.

“Try Mr. Barnard, room twelve.”
Michael DeBakey and Christiaan Barnard were pioneering heart surgeons.

I find myself thinking of the Architect’s Sketch all the time, when talking to people using the “everything is a nail when you have a hammer” philosophy to systems design…

The BBC would like to apologize for the next announcement.

Also in a workplace context, I find myself thinking of the interview sketch where the interviewer is giving the interviewee an incredibly stressful interview:

Of course the things the interviewer does get more and more fantastic, finally getting the candidate to do something extremely silly, before admitting that the position was filled weeks ago.

One of my favorites was said by a non-python: the show that day had a running gags about storage jars and lemon curry. Then the show “ended” and the real BBC reporter appeared:

[Sitting at the traditional BBC news desk]

Richard Baker: * We’ve just heard that an explosion in the kitchens of the House of Lords has resulted in the breakage of seventeen storage jars. Police ruled out foul play. *


[Checks teleprompter, looks puzzled]

*Lemon curry? *

From Spamalot:

There’s a very small percentile,
Who enjoys a dancing gentile,
I’m sad to be the one with this bad news!
But never mind your swordplay,
You just won’t succeed on Broadway,
You just won’t succeed on Broadway,
If you don’t have any Jews!

“After all, murder is just an extroverted suicide.”

“No one enjoys a good joke more than I do. Except perhaps my wife. Oh, and Capt. Jennings. Come to think of it, most people enjoy a good joke more than I do but that’s beside the point.”

“Ah, yes, but it says here you’re indeed a dull person: ‘Frightfully boring and exceedingly drab and awful.’ And whereas in most professions these would be drawbacks, in accountacy they are in fact a plus.”

“… and there’s this one scene where I swear you can see everything but my friend says it’s just the way he’s holding his spear …”


“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, but I’m afraid my walk has become rather sillier recently…”

It’s actually very sad, but the other day one of my coworkers said something I thought sounded very good. So I replied

“here, here well spoken Bruce!”

The coworker blinked, looked at me and said “why are you quoting Finding Nemo?” :smack:


I can’t help with any Python quotes, but by Sunday I may be able to come up with some of my favorite PERL code.


What flavour is it?

No, “it’s only a flesh wound”?

I am amazed.

As for favs, too many to count. Watery tarts is right up there, as well as "I thought we were an autonmous collective? and “help, help! I’m being repressed!”

JC: Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.
MP: Yes, but that’s not just saying ‘No it isn’t.’
JC: Yes it is!
MP: No it isn’t!

No, well, we don’t have “Rarnaby Budge” by Charles Dikkens with two k’s the well-known Dutch author – and perhaps to save time I should add that we don’t have “Carnaby Fudge” by Darles Chickens, or “Farmer of Sludge” by Marles Pickens, or even “Stickwick Stapers” by Farles Wickens with four M’s and a silent Q!! Why don’t you try W.H. Smith’s?

Also from memory… sorry if I mess it up a bit.

What, behind the rabbit?

No… it IS the rabbit.

<<brief pause>>

You Tit! I soiled my armor I was so scared.

“If we took the bones out, it wouldn’t be crunchy!”
“Intercourse the penguin!”
“There’s some lovely muck over here.”
“It’s just a bunny.”
“Run away! Run away!”
“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.” (Best insult ever.)

Basically, all of The Holy Grail is quotable, in the right company. Otherwise, you just get the Look of Puzzlement.

“Just a LITTLE peril?”

“Would you like to come back to my place? Bouncy Bouncy. I am no longer infected”

Not from a sketch but still my favorite:
“Good riddance you freeloading bastard, I hope you fry”