Sheesh. I stop reading this board for one freakin’ weekend, and it becomes overrun with the most rampant idiocy and illogic ever witnessed since the last time I saw Pat Buchanan and Jerry Falwell on Meet the Press at the same time.
I have only one thing to say, and then I’ll give this thread the consideration it deserves, which is basically none.
Federalist, our newest resident troll spews, in GD:
Since you haven’t listened to it from anyone else, I figured a brief statistical analysis of your posts is in order. Numbers won’t lie, I suppose. Since you only have a handful of posts, a quick trip to the search engine makes it easy for me to see exactly what you’ve had to say since you’ve been here.
Post one on the list is from this thread, in MPSIMS. You said you found this MB through a link on Succint and informative, yes, but not exactly impressive. I give it a B.
Post two is from here, another MPSIMS thread. You basically teased Lexicon, which, while I love him to death, is quite like shooting fish in a barrel. Not very useful, informative, or quality. But it definitely padded your significant post count.
Here’s a funny one. What kind of quality is in a four word post, two of which is a poster’s name, and the other two of which are “AbsoTIVEly PosiLOOTly!” Am I supposed to believe that this is one of your intelligent contributions?
And thread number four is again a MPSIMS thread. This time, I’m thinking what you have to say here MIGHT actually be informative, interesting, or at least express an opinion of some sort. But of course, no. For one, you used “Absotively posilootely” again. For another, several words on the list of words that aren’t used anymore are words that I’ve used recently, including “disinterested” and “gibberish.” So you’re redundant and wrong. C-.
So finally, we get to GD territory. Maybe I’ll find something of some importance here. After all, the thread is five freakin’ pages long. The first four pages, as I’ve found through a quick perusal, are mainly a battle between Esprix, pashley, and Nen, with a few David B and Gaudere asides. And then, buried on the fifth page, is your post, asking some lame GD-type questions, almost as if you’re making fun of the topic. Is that your definition of quality? I’m beginning to think we have a fundamental disagreement on what that entails.
In the VP for Bush thread, I was thinking maybe you’d get some sense. You gave your opinion, which was nice. You didn’t give reasons for them, which kinda sucked. B+.
And in the Abortion?? thread, you basically spouted bumper-sticker rhetoric without backing up your opinion with facts. Reasoned debate is obviously not your bag. You get an F on that one, kiddo.
Here’s yet another Church and State thread. Yawn. Oh, wait, you started it. Ha. If you don’t know enough about the history of this board to know how many fucking times we’ve gone over that topic, how can you know enough to know that Satan has never had anything of quality to say? Or do you just absotively posilootly like being redundant and annoying?
I was thinking maybe in the Hitler thread, you’d finally grow some balls. But all you mentioned was that Hitler lost his in 'Nam. Maybe I’m missing the reference, but I think you’ve been reading the “Vietnam Ate My Balls” website a bit too much. Either way, it’s the last post in the thread, and it offers absolutely nothing in the way of an intelligent or reasoned answer to the OP.
Socialism vs. Communism. This could be interesting. Sure, you’ve posted a GQ in GD. Sure, it’s something that reading one little book might be able to answer. But why read, when you can have these people do the work for you?
Here’s a thread that you posted in GD, asking if anyone had read a certain book. Transferred immediately to MPSIMS, with no responses. So you don’t even know enough about the MB to know where to post your questions. Figures.
And finally, the Old Glory thread. Most of your posts are in here, considering you have all of 23 posts total in 12 threads. The OP is another redundant question, this time on flag burning, a topic which had JUST gone the rounds of GD, and a quick search could have found. Two posts other than your OP had nothing to do with Satan, and they were basically asking questions of other posters and clarifying your OP. Then you have all of FIVE posts lambasting Satan for posting one post giving an opinion, throwing out your oft-repeated (but not very understood, I see) Quality vs. Quantity gem.
I see little of either in this research I’ve done on your posting habits. Stop throwing those stones, you might just break something.