Feds 'black-bagging people' in Portland

Have COVID cases skyrocketed in Portland? Has this notional skyrocketing been traced specifically to protesters? Does this somehow justify people being snatched off the street and thrown into vans? I have no idea. Does the OP? Just asking questions.

And, by the way, the OP’s tone seems a bit hostile for someone who claims they don’t want a fight.

Um, no. We’ve been over this before on these boards.

You only have to read rights when a subject is both under arrest AND being questioned. That horseshit you see on Law & Order where they don’t even have the cuffs on and they’re blathering Miranda is Hollywood make-believe.

Wapo coverage as of last night only mentioned Pettibone, so nothing new there. No mention of anyone actually being charged. Anything else finding anything?

As I see it the police/martial are following an illegal order, as such are committing a crime. Where is your constitutional right not to be kidnapped?

Never-Trumper and Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt demands that these federal agents be arrested:

Link to Schmidt’s 6-part twitter thread:

(Not to be confused with Mike Schmidt, new Multnomah County District Attorey-elect. Recent interview with him here, naturally discussing current events there:)

New Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt Must Decide Who Faces Criminal Charges Amid Portland’s Protests


There is no anarchy. Peaceful protests aren’t anarchy.

Not surprised that it’s this easy for you to rationalize violence.

Up 1000% since May 5. That seems significant

I was unaware there was a pro-Covid contingent in Great Debates. My apologies if I’ve offended any of them.

1000% agree.

They should have waited to protest police brutality until the pandemic was over. Also, if not for the protests, the police would have no reason to crack skulls and otherwise intimidate these nogoodniks.

CPB is claiming they announced themselves and wore some sort of identification:

On Friday, Customs and Border Protection issued a statement taking responsibility for the apprehension and asserting its agents were wearing gear that identified them as CBP personnel.

CBP agents went after that individual because they suspected he was involved in “assaults against federal agents or destruction of federal property,” the statement said. “Once CBP agents approached the suspect, a large and violent mob moved towards their location. For everyone’s safety, CBP agents quickly moved the suspect to a safer location for further questioning.”

The agency said the CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the apprehension.

:policeman: See, the bagging was to make him safe! :roll_eyes:

(Soft paywall likely)

Your first sentence is actual fertile ground for debate.* The second…a weird strawman.

*I’m all about exercising your constitutional rights in time of crisis. But lets not pretend ‘LARPing about with your buddies and yukking it up at 1 AM waiting to see heads get cracked cause it will increase your Youtube Livestream clicks’ is worth dying over.

Well not IMHO. But you do you Portland

No. Your statement about there being a contingent of pro-COVID people is a strawman.

My post was sarcasm.

See the difference?

Nooooo MYYYYY post was sarcasm, YOURS was a strawman!!!

Serious q: Did the mods just go home when the changeover occurred? Cause only about 20% of this thread is being applied to my OP.

Thats not directed at you. Promises. No sarcasm that time.

One man’s “pro-COVID” is another man’s support of free speech and the right to peaceable protest (shrug).

Funny thing is…now that the actual Brownshirts have arrived…I have yet to see “A Nazi get punched”

I too am puzzled about why your posts are not being treated with the seriousness they deserve.

Perhaps you should notify the authorities and have suspects rounded up for questioning.

‘The usual ones’ are all here after all

And your user name is appropriately attired.

Bold talk from a dead ex-Brotherhood of Evil Mutant member…who never was a mutant in the first place.

Well, in defence of the OP, he simply seems a bit puzzled as to why anyone might object to federal agents adopting the tactics of Central American death squads and is looking for clarity. After all, it’s minus the “death” part (so far).