I’ve never been to/set up anything like this; I’m just starting the frenzy. With that in mind, please email me @ sethdallob@hotmail.com with the subject line “DopeFest” if you are interested, have any experience in organizing this, etc. etc.
I would like to be there.
I don’t know Pasadena at all, in fact, the only time I have been there was for the last dopefest, when we ate at some Italian joint.
So I have no suggestions about where to eat.
This thread was started by Java about a Dopefest, so parhaps some of the others who responded to that will be interested in this one. http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=49188
LOL, Ms. Maven. It would have been nice if you, say, had a thread title that had <B>anything</B> to do with the content. Feel free to hijack this for your own malicious purposes.