Feeler for Pasadena / Los Angeles area Dopefest

This is just a feeler, but a couple of Dopers that I’ve been emailing are interested in getting together.

Here are the preliminary details:

Who: You. Me. Them.
When: Saturday, January 6th, afternoon.
Where: sigh
Why: sigh

I’ve never been to/set up anything like this; I’m just starting the frenzy. With that in mind, please email me @ sethdallob@hotmail.com with the subject line “DopeFest” if you are interested, have any experience in organizing this, etc. etc.

Ski ya there!

Hmm, either I’m the only Teemer in SoCal, or this thread fell like a brick. In either case, crink crink crink, right back up to the top!

I’d be interested, but I’ll be in Vegas on the 6th.

I’d like to, but I don’t know if I’ll be back from Texas by then.

Keep the thread alive, will ya?


I’d like to be there, and bring Mr. Rilch if he’s available. I can get to Pasadena easily, but I don’t know the area, so I can’t make suggestions.

Interest also rests in me. However, I am also unaware of Pasadena’s layout, so suggestions from me will be nil.

I would like to be there.
I don’t know Pasadena at all, in fact, the only time I have been there was for the last dopefest, when we ate at some Italian joint.
So I have no suggestions about where to eat.
This thread was started by Java about a Dopefest, so parhaps some of the others who responded to that will be interested in this one.


See, my other thread was ignored…

What, didn’t “Come Stuff My Stocking” get enough attention?

But, here Seth starts a thread and gets more response than mine… I see how you guys work! :smiley:

I am ready, willing, and able for a DopeFest. The question is:

Are you?

LOL, Ms. Maven. It would have been nice if you, say, had a thread title that had <B>anything</B> to do with the content. Feel free to hijack this for your own malicious purposes.