Fellow Dopers, A Word if I May


First of all, Dean Koontz would be that last novelist I’d ever read.

Secondly, I’m trying to find the anger in what I said.

Thirdly, I hate to break the news to you that Klaatu was never the reformation of the Beatles.

Oh, and the Rat Patrol was a good show, as I’m sure ETF will tell you later today when she reams you a new asshole, asshole. Christopher George was badass, bud.


Maybe it was what you said about Lissa’s taint.

guizot, I was talking to Lib, not you, and my name is from the movie not the band.

Klaatu Barada Nikto

this is getting fucking confusing… I am trying to give somebody shit here…

I give up. Lib, I will give you fresh shit later today, I have to sleep.

Hey, Little Nemo, you missed this post of mine from this thread!

Did you read what I said here too? Maybe you should. Yeah, I was boggling at how she was “niave” in a certain way in the other thread. She was at the time. I was basically asking her how she could have avoided learning that before now, due to the fact that she has heard many firsthand accounts of prisoners and their crimes. It wasn’t sneering either, I rather admired that she was still “innocent” in that way. I figured that this case had already breached that innocence, so verified the ideas beginning to dawn on Lissa, trying to soften the shock by comforting her. I wasn’t asking about American prison policy in post 4, I was asking about her own realizations due to the kind of exposure she’s had. I was comforting her in post 8, which you also left out.

I find it interesting that you haven’t touched Polycarp’s post, nor the people who said “ditto” to him. I agree with him as well, FTR. He touched on some of what I was trying to say. In short, your “coverage” isn’t as thorough as you are professing. :dubious:

As for your attempt to paint me as the base villian and leader of the onslaught…bite me! :dubious:

If one has no balls, do they truly know that it hurts when they’re kicked?

My sincere apologies, Klaatu. I had no idea there was a movie callerd Klaatu Barada Nikto. (Maybe you’ll have a moment to tell me about this movie: the language, the premise, etc.)

And I was really only making a joke that I’d assumed you’d brush off.

But there is something about certain diminutive forms that bothers me. “Veggies,” is one. Why can’t you just say “vegetables”? It requires only one syllable more. But “hubby”? (Same number of syllables.) How would you like it if I called you my “wifey”? Or better yet, my “ball and chain”?

I think people on the net want to convey their intimacy (for no reason I can yet fathom) by using these terms. Maybe they want the world to know that they have a happy domestic life. Well, fine, but I think there are other ways of doing this than using degrading terms like “hubby.”

If you marry me, and call me your “hubby,” then you’re just asking for a divorce. I’m sure in California they’ll grant it. No self-respecting man in CA would put up with a wife who calls him her “hubby.”
That being said, it doesn’t necessarily invalidate Lissa’s comments.

Could you elaborate on the term “taint”? Seriously, I’m not sure want you’re getting at.

Could you elaborate on the term “taint”? I meant to say that a spouse might come home and paint a "prettier’ picture of his/her behavior on the job. So, I’m not sure what you’re getting at. I am NOT saying that this is what Lissa’s husband does, Just that it’s a possibility. And I only raise this as a philosophilcal possibility. I have no reason to doubt **Lissa **or her husband. But pressreports give me many reasons to doubt prision guards.

The film’s called “The Day the Earth Stood Still”. Classic Fifties SF.

“Taint” is slang for the perineum.

egads. I said "fuck’, and in a pit thread. obviously, I must be shunned.

I believe in Rubystreak’s case, it’s like people are telling Lissa-it’s not WHAT she said, but HOW she said it.
Liberal, you miserable piece of shit, and you WONDER why people get sick of you? What the FUCK is your problem? EddyTeddyFreddy said nothing that deserved that kind of response.

Lissa works in a museum, which she posts a lot about. Since there aren’t so many museum workers on the board, I’m often interested in what she has to say.

Lissa, I like you too. I hope you are able to pull away some constructive criticism so that people won’t get so irritated with you again.

So when you post about prisons, you get slammers? Sounds appropriate to me.

I like Lissa too, monstro. So I hope she takes what I have to say as constructive, and knows I’m not trying to offend her, or kick her when she’s down.
ETA: Biffy, you aughta be shot for that one.

Instead of a kick, could it be one hand slapping?

Anyhoo, humble shmumble. This is the SDMB. I demand on behalf of myself and Lissa the right to be as arrogant as we please and anyone who doesn’t like it better deal or go whining back to Mommy like the scalded bitches they are.

There’s no evidence that she goes and asks her husband about specific information she posts in any given thread – she merely provides her take on it, which she sees as authoritative because her husband works in corrections.