Female ejaculation - how much can there be?

I read an item in a newspaper column once - it talked about ‘female ejaculation’. What is that and does it only happen if one hasn’t had an orgasm in a while? Can it happen if a woman has sex on a reular basis? What is the biology of this and how much ejaculate can be produced? A friend told me it was like ‘peeing’ in the bed - is that true?

Ok, when someone speaks of “female ejaculation”, they are typically referring to fluid theoretically released from the female prostate during a g spot orgasm. I have heard from some male friends of mine that there can be quite a bit of liquid, and yes, if the person was not educated on this, they mistakenly think she “peed the bed”. The fluid is not urine (most notably in the fact that female ejaculate is clear and supposedly has a sweet smell), but some say that a slight amount may be squeezed out the urethra during vaginal contractions. I read somewhere that the liquid is made up of the same stuff that is in male ejaculate, minus the semen. I think it is also possible though for some women to have the same type of fluid release from a clitoral orgasm; I’ll admit, I’ve seen some porn where the women, um “squirt” during what is clearly not a g spot orgasm. All that being said, this is not something that happens to every female. Generally all females have an increase in lubricant when they orgasm, but only some release female ejaculate. Whether there is a release of female ejaculate or not is not dependent on the amount of time since the person last had an orgasm.

Cecil wrote a column which touched on this:

What’s the deal with the Grafenberg spot?

He wrote another one entitled What’s in female ejaculate?

See what you could have found once you’re a paying member? :slight_smile:

Sweet jeebus, we’re not talking brain surgery here. I am amazed that women have been doing this literally forever and we still haven’t figured it out. Cripes. :mad:

I’m a college student; nuff said

"Sweet jeebus, we’re not talking brain surgery here. I am amazed that women have been doing this literally forever and we still haven’t figured it out. Cripes. "

I don’t understand your response

Huh? You don’t need to be a paying member of the SDMB to keyword-search Cecil’s columns.

Hey, take the mystery out of sex, and what will we be left with? :smiley:

I feel compelled to post in this thread. As a female who is capable of this type of orgasm, I’d like to point out a few things. I’m sure this varies from woman to woman, but I do not like to have this kind of orgasm. Aside from the fact that it leaves a wet spot, which is kind of annoying in and of itself; it is not a pleasurable orgasm. It is very “shallow,” and actually feels more irritating than a “non-ejaculate” orgasm. It is simply unsatisfactory, and probably the least desirable thing about it is that it makes a good orgasm impossible afterwards. My girlie bits are simply too sensitive to stimulation to feel good. Thanks for letting me get that off my… er… chest, so to speak.

interesting, i’ve never heard a first hand description of one before. Thanks for sharing.

Really? I have imagined just the opposite. Not to be prurient, but is there a certain set of circumstances that you have to have in place to trigger such an event, or is it just sort of a chance thing, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t? Are you surprised when it does, or do you sense it approaching? Can you “control” it in any way, or is it is what it is? Any more light you can shed on the subject would be appreciated. Again, not being a jerk here, but I’ve always wondered about this.

In the interest of science I will add my experiences with this. For one, the fluid is not like make ejaculate, it is more watery and not sticky. I can’t predict or control when this will happen to me. This kind of orgasm does not have the same sort of build-up as a regular orgasm, it is just suddenly happening. I have little control over it. I agree with **Simply cats ** that it is a shallower orgasam, but I usually have several of them once they start, and can still have a “good” orgasam afterword. I generally have to be pretty turned on for it to happen. Probably TMI, but there you go.

I am one of those who are able to do this!
Yes you actually squirt!
And otherwise you just drench the sheet literally.
Its not nice, its quite embarrassing. After a day or two if you don’t clean it up it can smell.
I wouldnt say the big O is any better or any less.
In some ways it can feel less, but otherwise it does leave you gasping with pleasure still. It would be nice to have a switch so you could have a normal O sometimes without this!

For me, it’s not tied to orgasm at all. I have to contract my PC muscle in order to orgasm, but in order to forcefully expel the ejaculate, it’s necessary to bear down, the same as you do when you strain to urinate.

I have only experienced two " squirters" in my lifetime. Both of them were redheads and as said above both appeared to be bearing down hard. Maybe because I was caught off guard and not accostomed to it I actually cringed and covered my face, I didn’t like it too much as a man. I do however enjoy very much the hot wet drenching feeling I get when a woman has a more typical orgasm.

The anterior fornix (right below the entry to the cervix) is more the spot that can cause this. If that area is stimulated it redirects lubrication and can cause a release of fluids.

I’ve gotten a healthy release of clear, odorless fluid in the past without any interior stimulation at all… just external massage and clitoral stimulation with the tongue.
Incidentally, this appears to be the source of squirting.

Didn’t re-read the entire thread.

Is this the one where someone (a woman, I think) tasted the fluid?

The occasional posts here from people who have tasted their bodily fluids/excretions, cooked and raw, grab my attention.

Nope, I think that’s one I started maybe 2 years ago.
Might be wrong.

That’s it! NSFW Question: Squirting.

One-hundred and twenty six posts, every one a winner.

Seriously, check this thread out first before posting relevant questions here. It’s quite good on this topic.